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698 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 mailto:sage [2018/07/13(金) 16:18:43.85 ID:7r5nV3MF0.net]
Boosts ATK of all characters by 3x and theirHP by 1.3x.
Boosts the ATK of all characters by an additional amount depending on the lowest health one of your enemies has.
Makes perfects a little easier to hit.[<70%: 3.5x, <50%: 4x, <30%: 4.5x]

Reduces HP of all enemies by 30% and deals 25% of the damage dealt in this way in fixed damage against all enemies.
Both is by passing enemies barriers.

Opportunity to deal 6% of the damage dealt in this turn at the end of the turn in fixed damage.


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