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619 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2017/10/24(火) 14:25:23.13 ID:pOM1uppa0.net]

Invalid Form URL -

This means the form is viewed in an incorrect ABCForm Domain.
We have implemented a domain separation rule. Depending on what country
you are in, there will be an assigned separate domain name to you.
(i.e.ABCform.us, jotform.me). Any forms created will only work on that
domain. If you'll attempt to view your forms using different domains, the
error above will show up. Clicking the link below it should redirect you to
the correct form URL.

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read.cgi ver5.27 [feat.BBS2 +1.6] / e.0.2 (02/09/03) / eucaly.net products.