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517 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 4925-kEb8) [2017/01/05(木) 15:02:15.05 ID:xNKKAcyW0.net]

+(ここに自分のチャンネル名 ) I am interested in the earthquakes in Japan and what my group on YouTube does is forecast the earthquakes before they happen.
You can look at the posted videos where we forecast one earthquake a day or a week before a big quake hits Japan and we only have three people that live in Japan that can share the warning before the earthquakes happen.
We have done this for Japan many times and also for many other countries

+(自分のチャンネル名) I do not like Facebook myself but some of the other researchers have started pages just for different countries and different languages for Japan or Italy or many other countries and languages

There is all set up a parallel YouTube video and chat for international viewers that cannot speak English, they can meet together and speaking their native language on Dutchsinse Reloaded - Terramoto 3-D And get the same updates
live at 10 PM central standard time you can watch all of the world being covered in all the different regions and listening to Dutch explaining why


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