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382 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 mailto:sage [2016/05/20(金) 07:14:23.28 ID:Oql2zQr1.net]
大したこと書いてないんで、要約:デジタルデトックス の話。

> Technological devices are now a constant feature in our lives. Whether working or relaxing,
> we are continuously connected to the virtual world. But are we harming ourselves by over using devices?
> Are there good reasons to spend less time with our smartphones and tablets?
常に囲まれている デジタルデバイスによる悪影響は?

> Digital detoxing has recently become a popular trend. The phrase is used for a period of time when someone stops using technology.
> This means no emails and no social media. The time saved is used to focus on alternative activities.
> These include talking to friends or finding new hobbies.
流行りの デジタルデトックス (Digital detoxing) は、メールやソーシャルメディアを控えること。

> The overuse of devices can leave little time for anything else. Pressure to keep up to date with social media can often be intense.
> The constant pressure can result in stress, and this leads to health problems such as headaches or physical strain.
> A digital detox can help prevent this problem.

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