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263 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2015/12/05(土) 04:02:07.32 ID:qPRYzOh9!.net]

180 Haukeliekspressen: Convoy driving over Haukelifjell
Due to bad weather there is convoy driving over Haukelifjell. The Mountain Pass may be closed at short notice. See how 180 Haukeliekspressen running if the mountain pass is closed.

WHEN closed mountain pass over the Haukelifjell departures for 180 Haukeliekspressen run as follows:
Departures from Oslo will run as normal to Åmot and turns there.
The bus returns from Åmot to Oslo on schedule.

Buses from Haugesund will run as normal to Røldal and turns there.
The bus returns from Røldal towards Haugesund on schedule.

Skyss local bus line 930 from Bergen corresponding to Haukeliekspressen at Seljestad will run as normal.
If the mountain pass Hovden-Haukeli is open, the day bus from Oslo drive to Haukeli with correspondence to route 221 Setesdalsekspressen towards Hovden and Kristiansand.

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