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175 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2006/12/16(土) 19:28:38 ID:Nan6YERv]
I don't remember denying it....i just find it very strange that we are somehow
related to the aboriginies. I can understand how we are mixed with the Chinese and the Koreans,
but presonally i find it very hard to understand how aboriginal blood can interfere.
Not that I have anything against them, i just dont see any resemblence in our facial structure....like ANY.

Ive been living in Australia for 6 years now and everyday i see various races and skin colours,
admittedly the chinese, japanese and korean look all similar to me. It is possible to pick out the subtle
differences, but by first glance we are all similar. It is similar to how i can't pick the difference between the
Australians and the Europeans by first glance.
Some Japanese people living in Japan say that the Japanese looks Spanish, Mexican blah blah blah
which i belive to be a common fallcy. Because we don't.

By the way your Japanese is awesome. My Aussie friends cant speak Japanese for shit.

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