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466 名前:名無しさん@3周年 mailto:sage [2022/03/12(土) 02:04:16.21 ID:mQcI7hv7.net]
An echelon with military equipment was seen today (11.03) in Vasilevichy (Gomel region).
The equipment includes 2S9 Nona gun-mortars, howitzers D-30 and “Buk” missile systems.
The echelon is not moving, but will probably go to Khoiniki (Gomel region).

17:05 (Minsk time)
A train with military equipment was seen in Gomel, at the intersection of Gagarina and Ukrainian streets.
Russian equipment includes “Buk” missile system, “Rakushka” APC, and 1V12 vehicle.
The equipment is moving towards the border with Ukraine.
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