Saint Nicholas was especially famous as a patron saint of sailors and children. So how did this Saint Nicholas of Asia Minor become the Santa Claus that we see at Christmas? SSaint Nicholas is said to have died in the middle of the 4th century on December 6, a date which later became a holiday called Saint Nicholas Day. The story of Saint Nicholas slowly spread across Europe after his death and people in several different countries began to celebrate this holiday. It was a day for giving presents to others. Holland, a nation became powful through its sea trade, placed great importance on celebrating Saint Nicholas Day. In the 17th century,Dutch people started to immigrate to America. At that time, most Dutch immigrants lived in the town of New Amsterdam,which is now New York. The Dutch in New Amsterdam celebrated Saint Nicholas Day in the same way as they had done back in their home country.In this way,the tradition of giving presents on that day also became a custom in America. In fact,the same "Saint Nicholas" comes from the Dutch"Sinterklaas,"meaning Saint Nicholas.
>>406の続きです B It took a littele longer for Saint Nicholas,the stern bishop with a tall pinted hat on his head andriding on a horse,to become the jolly Saint Nicholas we know today. In 1822,Clement Moore,a school teacher in New York,wrote a famous poem called A Visit from Saint Nicholas. This poem described an image of a different Saint Nicholas who visited children on the night before Christmas.
━━━━ポエム部↓━━━━ 'It was the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring,not even a mouse;The stockings were hung by the chimmey with care, In hopes that St.Saint Nicholas soon would be there; a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer, With a little old driver, so lively and quick,Down the chimmy St.Nicholas scame with a bound. He was dressed all in fur,from his head to his foot, He had a broad face and alittle round belly That shook, when he laughed,like a bowlful of jelly. ━━━━ポエム部↑━━━━
This poem does not present an image of a religious Saint Nicholas. Instead,it introduces a fat and jolly little old man riding in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. Moore described this character very vividly,as if he had seen him in real life. A Visit from Saint Nicholas was published as a picture story book and read by many people in the United States in those days. Moore's Saint Nicholas was drawn as an elf in the storybook. But in the 1930s,the image of Santa Claus changer again. This time, he looked like somebody's grandfather, smiling in an advertisement for a soft drink. This was how the Santa Claus we are familiar with today was born.
>>407の続きです C As a child you must have wondered, "Is there a Santa Claus?" About 100 years ago, an eight-year-old girl named Virginia asked the same question in a letter sent to the
New York Sun. In answer to the little girl's question, Francis Church, a newspaper editor, wrote an article in the Sun. "Yes. Virginia,there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist......... "Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is not a sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those neither children nor adults can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not,but that's not proof that they are not there.......... "No Santa Claus? Thank God he lives, and lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, no,ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make the hearts of children glad." Church's message was that the most important things in life cannot be seen with our eyes. We cannot see love,but it exists. We cannot see kindness, but people smile when it is shown. Although the images of Santa Claus have changed through history and through different cultures, what Santa Claus symbolizes has remained the same. It is the spirit of goodwill to others. Anyone with that spirit can be a true Santa Claus.
It was nice talking to you on my new cell phone this morning (late evening your time, of course). I didn't think I would need one, since my original plan was to get busy and write, write, write. But that hasn't been happening so far (see my previous letter on procrastination), and since I'm going to be here for another five or six months, I decided to get one after all. One thing for sure: I'm going to use my phone according to Japanese cell phone etiquette, not American.
Everywhere you go here, people are yakking on their cell phones. At the supermarket checkout stand yesterday, the woman in front of me was on hers the whole time, and didn't share a word with the clerk―no "Thank you" or "Have a nice day." No nothing. When the clerk asked her, "Paper or plastic?" the woman just pointed at the plastic bags with her chin. I've taken three taxis since I arrived here, but have not conversed with any of the drivers: they're too busy shouting into their cells (in Hindi and Arabic for the most part, since many cab drivers here are from India and the Middle East). Every time I go to a coffee shop or pub to try to get a little work done, I am interrupted by annoying tunes and rings and buzzers going off all over the place. People just blithely talk away as if they were in their own living room. Reading, studying, and concentrating of any kind are all out of the question. It's just too noisy.
All this seems very peculiar to me. Americans, by and large, have a lot of respect for other people's privacy and rights. They don't generally like to invade other people's "space" or have theirs invaded. Cell phones, however, are a different story. I shouldn't complain, though. After all, almost every place you go these days here in America is smoke-free. So what's little noise as long as the air is clean and healthy?
I thought that I could speak basic Japanese after one year, but when I spoke to someone outside the sumo-beya , they could not understand me. Because I used a lot of sumo terms,"he says , smiling.
Part2 This grid, known as Hermann's Grid, is an example of how contrast affects color perception. Imagine the Hermann Grid as a map of city streets; most crossings appear to be gray, butwhen you look closely at any individual crossing, you will see that it is white.
The streets, on the other hand, appear white no matter where you look. This illusion depends on high contrast black and white areas to fool the eyes into perceiving gray areas. The perception of gray crossings is a result of local brightness control in the retina. Cells in your retina set the brightness of an image by the intensity of the light signal. But your brain can set the brightness of an image in many small parts. Setting brightness in small parts lets you see a wide range of both bright and dark parts in the same image. In Zollner's illusion of direction, parallel lines appear to be bent when other lines cross them at an angle. The illusion disappears when the image is held far enough away from the eye to distinguish the short crossing lines. Some scientists say that face recognition is performed by a particular section of the brain. To the brain, this image of Lincoln's face looks normal when viewed upside down, but when turned around it becomes distorted.
This is because our brains recognize a face only when it is right side up. When it is presented upside down, the brain no longer recognizes it as a face but rather as an object, and this is why we do not respond to its distortions.
Its two closest competitors in the American market were Apple and Linux, which together shared the remaining 10% of the market. In the court case, Judge Jackson found several ways in which Microsoft has unfairly used its monopoly power to hurt both its compe-titon and consumers. First, Microsoft put Internet Explorer into the software of Windows so that people would not need to buy the popular browser made by Netscape.
7月初旬、マーゴット・フランクは郵送で収容所に行かねばならないという知らせを 受け取った。オットー・フランクはすぐにミープに連絡を取った。 翌朝早く、彼らは行動を起こした。ミープはマーゴットを秘密の部屋に連れて来た。 グループの残りの人々もその後すぐに(彼女に)続いた。(秘密の部屋に行った) このようにして25カ月にも及ぶ隠れ家での生活が始まったのだった。隠れ家での 2つの家族は、様々な面で苦しい思いをした。ミープもまた、自分自身の問題を 抱えていた。毎朝、ミープは他の労働者たちが職場にやって来る前に職場に 着いているようにしなければならなかった。 素早く、彼女は秘密の部屋に駆け上がり、そこで彼女の友人たちが彼女に必要とする食糧 のリストを手渡した。そして、毎日後になってから、ミープは買い物に行った。 彼女は食べ物を手に入れるのに店に入って行く時、なるべく普段どおりに見えるように 努めた。 しばらくして、ミープはある特定の食料品商を信頼するようになった。彼は決して 質問はしないけれども、できる限り彼女の注文に応じた。ミープはこの食料品商は 自分がしていることが分かっていて、自分に手を貸してくれていると信じた。 しかし、ある日のこと、彼女が彼の店に入って行くと、そこに食料品商はいなかった。 彼女は彼が二人のユダヤ人をかくまっていたことで逮捕されたのだと告げられた。 ミープの心臓はドキドキした。彼女はとても怖い思いをした。 She knew it could just as easily have been she who had been discovered. それに、彼女は、今となっては隠れ家にいる人々のために食べものを手に入れるのは 以前より困難になることが分かっていた。
In Zollner's illusion of direction, parallel lines appear to be bent when other lines cross them at an angle. The illusion disappears when the image is held far enough away from the eye to distinguish the short crossing lines. Some scientists say that face recognition is performed by a particular section of the brain. To the brain, this image of Lincoln's face looks normal when viewed upside down, but when turned around it becomes distorted.
This is because our brains recognize a face only when it is right side up. When it is presented upside down, the brain no longer recognizes it as a face but rather as an object, and this is why we do not respond to its distortions.
>>416 そうです!わかりやすい訳ありがとうございます。 途中の One thing for sure: I'm going to use my phone according to Japanese cell phone etiquette, not American. の訳が抜けてる(?)ような気がするので、続きと併せて訳して頂けたらありがたいです!
The sounds produced by human vocal organs can be studied in many different ways. The study of sounds is calld phonetics. Phonetics is mainly concerned with describing the speech sounds that occur in the languages of the world. Specifically, we want to know what people are doing when they are talking and when they are listening to speech.
Some phoneticians are interested in studying the physical and acoustic aspects of speech sounds, while others are interested in studying the patterns and functions of sounds that occur in a language. In the latter type of study, it is important to realize that speech sounds can be perceived and represented as a sequence of discrete units, even though they are physically continuous. Native speakers of any language can intuitively extract the linguistically significant units. For example, when native speakers of English are asked how many sounds there are in the word pit they will most probably ansewer three. The concept oe decreteness is a basic assumption in the study of speech sounds.
ここから英文です。 These discrete units of sounds are not arbitrarily combined; the sequence of such units is under certain restrictions. For example, there is no English word which begins with ten consonants. Furthermore, the consonants which can appear in the iinitial clusters of English are restricted. Thus for a three-consonant cluster beginning with /s/, the second consonant can only be one of /p,t,k/. Such restrictions are found in many languages, and one of the purposes of the study of speech sounds is to examine the kind of restrictions peculiar to an individual language.
Therefore, there are several levels in the study of speech sounds: on the one concrete level we try to describe what speech sounds exist, and on the other abstract level we try to examine what regularities govern the realizations of sounds in a langiage.
1.As noted in the last chapter, over many centuries Japan has received immigrants from China, Korea, and other parts of east Asia, but at least in recorded history there has never been a sudden large-scale immigration to this country. There have, however, been some rather large-scale emigrations. (Be careful with "immigration" and "emigration"; they look and sound similar but have exactly opposite meanings.)
2.Between 1885 and 1920, for example, about half a million Japanese (out of a total population less than half the size of today's!) left to start new lives in the U.S., mostly in Hawaii or along the Pacific Coast of the mainland. Beginning shortly after World War U, the focus of emigration changed to South America, with roughly a quarter of a million people leaving Japan for Brazil and neighboring countries from the 1950s through the '70s. Both of these waves of emigration were actively encouraged by the Japanese government, which offered loans and other incentives to citizens to move overseas.
@In that case,we may have to produce much more of our own feed in Japan. AIf that happens we won't be able to use water as freely as we do now. BYou can probably understand now that our lives are sustained not only by visible water,but also by invisible,virtual water. CWe should keep this virtual water in mind and remember that water is a limited resource. DWe need to use it as carefully and as wisely as possible.
445 名前:北の高校生 [2008/11/05(水) 16:56:46 ]
It took a little longer for Saint Nicholas, the stern bishop with a tall pointed hat on his head and riding on a horse, to become the jolly Santa Claus we know today. In 1822, Clement Moore, a school teacher in New York, wrote a famous poem called A Visit From Saint Nicholas. This poem described an image of a different Saint Nicholas who visited children on the night before Christmas. プロビジョンレッスン8パート3前半よろしくお願いします。
他のスレでたぶん訳してもらったのですがその方に質問です。 But a different idea is beginning to emerge , born of a revised understanding of the past , new information about the present , and different scenarios of what may lie ahead.
And we are beggining to form an estimate of the world's condition that is in some ways even more disturbing than the environmental bad news of twenty or thirty years ago.Now we know that human activities alter the biosphere and affect the evolutinary future of non-human forms of life everywhere. Deserts,forests,fields,and rivers have been changed. Some species of plant and animal life have disappeared, and others have been created through selective breeding. Even the atmosphere , the oceans , and the climate are not what they once were. In this greatly modified and humanized world, there is no longer any real distinction between "natural" and "unnatural." Even our most well-intentioned activities , such as maintaining green areas and protecting endangered species , require active help in the form of law enforcement and scientific management.
Tgot off the bus at Greenhill,whereTfound my boyfriend Tom waiting for me. The child tried to persuade his parents,which he found quite difficult. Now that the barriers between East and West have fallen,many people dream of the day when the entire continent will be united. T've got four pairs of boots,two of whichT've never worn. The boy whose bicycle was stolen reported its loss to the police. Tshowed the police officers my driver's license becauseTthought that was what they wanted. No matter how rich a man may be,he will not always be happy. Paul is so depressed now. He lost what little money he earned by working part-time for three weeks. He told the story to whoever would listen.
455 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2008/11/05(水) 21:56:41 ]
Britain once possessed the largest empire in world history. Among all the territories of the empire, the largest and most important was India. We normally think of empires being won by military force, but Britain started to take possession of India through the commercial activities of one particular trading company, the East India Company. During the 16th century, European ships began to sail to Asia, opening up a busy trade in commodities such as silk, tea and spices. Spain, Portugal and Holland led this trade. Merchants and Politicians in Britain felt that the country was missing a great opportunity by not being a more active participant. So, on December 31st 1600, a group of merchants formed the East India Company. The government gave them a monopoly on all trade with India. Their first ships arrived in India in 1608, and in 1615 the Indian Emperor gave them permission to open a factory. Gradually, the wealth and power of the company grew. Britain became the dominant trading power in the region and established settlements in Bombay, calcutta and Madras. よろしくお願いします。
These two plants are different in almost every way. The only feature they have in common is their need for dry soil. You can borrow the video camera now ;Tdon't need it for the time being. He believes thatTmade a mistake on purpose. She ran into her old friend by chance at the local festival. Haven't you paid the school fee yet? You are supposed to pay it in advance. You couldn't have asked for better weather but in the afternoon dark clouds were beginning to gather and all of a sudden it began to rain like the Niagata Falls. Now that you have E-mail,be sure to send me a message every now and then. “Remember,class,next week's test will be an open-book test. You should bring your texts to class without fail.”
Then John Smith,having promised to return Squanto to his people,brought him back to America in 1614. However,there were two ships in Smith's party. After Smith left America for England in his own ship,the captain of the second ship,Thomas Hunt,captured Squanto again with fifteen other lndians and carried them to Spain,which he sold them as slaves. In Spain,Squanto was helped by some Spanish priests and finally made his way back to England. There he worked as servant for another four or five years-until 1619,when he was again brought back to America. He arrived in America about six months before the Pilgrims.
Squanto's tribe had disappeared completely while he was away. It seems that a serious epidemic of some kind had broken out,and the whole tribe was wiped out. For a time Squanto went to live with another tribe but was not happy there. When he met the Pilgrims,he seemed pleased to be among white people again. He settled down immediately with them and stayed with them for the immediately with them and stayed with them for the rest of his life.
The government should consider revising the law so that lawyers and defendants who pass copies of evidence to third parties for legitimate purposes are not punished.
ヴォイジャーリーディング リッスン10 パート4です Luckily, Miep found another grocer who was willing to sell her extra food. Still. it was getting more and more difficult to find fresh food. Sometimes Miep had to spend hours shopping, only to end up with half-rotten vegetables and spoiled meat. The months passed by slowly. During this time, Miep and her husband agreed to hide a Jewish boy in their own apartment. Miep also felt sorry for her dentist, a Jewish man named Fritz Pfeffer. She asked the Franks to allow him to share the hiding place with them. By the summer of 1944, Miep had reason to hope that the war would soon end. Hitler is troops were moving away from several European positions. But the war did not end soon enough for the Frank family. Miep had been very careful. She had done all she could to protect the Franks and the others in the hiding place. She had tried never to draw attention to herself or her activities. Nevertheless, someone figured out what was going on and turned her in. Records show that the Nazis received a phone call informing them about the Jews in the secret roos. On August 4, Nazis suddenly came to Miep is office building. They went straight to the secret rooms. Miep is eight friends were marched away by Nazi police. It was the last time she ever saw most of them.
難しくて訳せません よろしくお願いします!Hitomi kinue came back to japan to find herself famous. When she arrived at Okayama Station, there where crowds of people waiting to she her. She was, however, not happy, for she had been beaten in the 100meter race, which she had never expected to lose. She was exhausted both mentally and physically. She wondered if she could run again as before. She wonted to retire but couldn't. She was responsible for the training of young women athletes. She made up her mind again to continue her life as an athlete. She tried herd to set new records in track and field and at the some time fought against prejudice against women. Between races, she traveled around Japan and gave speeches on the importance of women's sports. For her, every day was war. She made women's equality in sports her lifelong goal. She died at the age of 24 in 1931.
It's so quiet in the city. Are summer weekends always like this? That's because everyone's left for the countryside to escape the heat. Except for us. But we have the whole city to ourselves. And the weather couldn't be any better! Is it my imagination that the air seems cleaner?
"Every language is a special way of looking at the world and interpreting experoence―concealed in the structure of each different language are whole set of unconscious assumptions about the world and life in it."
482 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2008/11/07(金) 14:43:07 ]
よろしくお願いします。 Hereditary contributions to development can be observed at many levels. Figure 3.1 depicts five major levels. Nearly every cell in the human body carries the genetic blueprint for development in the chromosomes. Spesific regions on each chromosome, the genes, regulate protein and enzyme production and can be further examined in terms of the nucleotides, chemical molecules that are the building blocks for the genes. Each of these different levels of the individual's biological mekeup can offer insights into the mechanisms by which the genotype affects the phenotype, the observable expression of traits and behaviors.
@"I've been dreaming of developing a robot that can help people",Kisoi Motohiro had said to his professor. A"I want to design a robot that can solve our problems in the way Doraemon does." BHe had been a 23-year-old student of robot technology at Kobe University at that time. CUnfortunately,however,he was killed in the 1955 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. DHe was found dead with a stuffed Doraemon doll,a gift from his girlfriend. EProf.Matsuno Fumitoshi was really shocked to hear about the death of his student. FHe remembered the time when Motohiro had spoken about his dream. GHe said to himself,"If Motohiro had survived the desaster,he would have become a really good researcher". HHe wondred if he could do anything to make Motohiro's dream come true.
The Ever-Flowing River Electrical energy, essential in any modern society, is delivered through metal wires, most commonly made of copper. Materials like copper that allow electricity to pass through them are called conductors. An electrical current is caused by the movement of electrons through the wire. Electrons in the outer layer of atoms in the wire move from atom to atom, creating an electric current. What causes them to move is an electrical potential difference between different parts of the metal. This is similar to the way a river flows downhill because of the gravitational potential difference between the top of the hill and the bottom. As electrons move through a conductor, they bump into its atoms and lose some of their energy. This can be compared to the way a rocky river bed slows down the water flowing over it. The lowest temperature possible is minus 273 degrees Celsius(℃), or zero degrees kelvin(K). In the early 20th century, a Dutch scientist, Heike Onnes, investigated the effect of the temperature of a metal wire on how it conducted electricity. He found that in a mercury wire at 4.2K (the same as minus 269℃), electricity flowed without losing any energy. In another experiment using a lead wire at 4K, he started an electric current, removed the source of the current, and found that the current was still flowing at the same strength a year later. This could be compared to a river that keeps flowing on a flat surface without the effect of gravity. Heike Onnes called this state superconductivity, and materials in this state are called superconductors. Onnes was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1913.
Voyager Reading Course NEW EDITION Lesson8 EthnocentrismのPart.1です。
Culture shock can be very good lesson in relative values and in understanding human differences. The reason culture shock occurs is that we are not prepared for these differnces. Because of the way we are taught our culture, we are all ethnocentric. This term is made up of the Greek root "ethnos", meaning a peopleor a group, and "centric", meaning the center or
middle of something. Thus, it refers to the fact that our outlook or world view is centered on our own way of life. Ethnocentrism is the belief that one's own patterns of behavior are the best; the most natural, beautiful, right, or
important. Therefore, other people, to the extent that they live differntly, are perceived as living by standards that are
inhuman, unnatural or wrong.
Ethnocenrism is the view that one's own culture better than all others; it is the way all people feel about
themselves as compared to those from other cultures. There is no one in our society who is not ethnocenrtric to some degree, no natter how open-minded he or she might
claim to be. People will always find some aspect of another culture unnatural, be it religious practies, a way or treating friends
or relatives, or simply a food that they cannot manage to get down with a smile. This is not something we should be ashamed of, since it is a natural result of growing up in any society. However, it is something we should constantly keep in mind when we study other cultures, so that when we try to make
value judgements about another way of life, we can look at the situation objectively and take our bias into account.
Culture shock can be very good lesson in relative values and in understanding human differences. The reason culture shock occurs is that we are not prepared for these differnces. Because of the way we are taught our culture, we are all ethnocentric. This term is made up of the Greek root "ethnos", meaning a peopleor a group, and "centric", meaning the center or middle of something. Thus, it refers to the fact that our outlook or world view is centered on our own way of life. Ethnocentrism is the belief that one's own patterns of behavior are the best; the most natural, beautiful, right, or important. Therefore, other people, to the extent that they live differntly, are perceived as living by standards that are inhuman, unnatural or wrong.
Ethnocenrism is the view that one's own culture better than all others; it is the way all people feel about themselves as compared to those from other cultures. There is no one in our society who is not ethnocenrtric to some degree, no natter how open-minded he or she might claim to be. People will always find some aspect of another culture unnatural, be it religious practies, a way or treating friends or relatives, or simply a food that they cannot manage to get down with a smile. This is not something we should be ashamed of, since it is a natural result of growing up in any society. However, it is something we should constantly keep in mind when we study other cultures, so that when we try to make value judgements about another way of life, we can look at the situation objectively and take our bias into account.
工業系の英語が多く使われていますがよろしくお願いします。 crystalline:結晶質 unit cell:単位格子 translation:並進 です。 図1.1はアップできないですがよろしくお願いします。
All crystalline materials adopt, inthe solid state, a regular distribution of atomes or ions in space. The simplest portion of the structure which is repeated by translation, and shows its full symmetry, is defined as the unit cell. In a two-demensional array of ions, such as that shown in Fig. 1.1, the unit cell consists of a parallelogram. Any parallelogram may be chosen as a unit cell provided that translation along either of the cell directions repeats exactly the chosen unit. However, the unit cell is normally selected to be the simplest of these repeating units. Hence, in Fig. 1.1, the unit cell could be chosen as A for which displacements parallel to either edge of the square by the demension of the unit cell produce a new position which is indistinguishable, in terms of cell content and environment, from the original. The parallelogram B is also a suitable choice for the unit cell as it has the same area as A and shows the full translation symmetry. Square D would also be an acceptable choice of unit cell in terms of demonstrationg the translational symmetry of the array, but is larger than A and B. However, parallelogram C is not a unit cell as translation parallel to one side by the length of the parallelogram places a corner originally at a ■ site on a ○ site; that is, the 'cell' does not show the translational symmetry of the ion array.
495 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2008/11/08(土) 16:09:41 ]
It’s costly for people to keep up with technology, and it can also be intimidating. For those who grew up not using computers, the new technology can be confusing and difficult to learn. Though the Internet has proven to be invaluable in providing people equal access to ideas, many still remain excluded from and unempowered by the new information culture.
Sharing the fascination with difference that white people have collectively expressed openly (and at times vulgarly) as they have traveled around the world pursuit of the other and otherness, black people, especially those living during the historical period of racial apartheid and legal segregation, have similarly maintained steadfast and ongoing curiosity about the ghosts, the barbarians these strange apparitions they were forced to serve.
どなたかお願いします。 During the 19th century, there were several gold rushes in various parts of the world. Gold would be discovered, often by accident, then as news of the discovery got out, thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands of people would rush to the area to search for gold. This is the origin of the name, “gold rush.” They would travel to remote parts of the world and live in terrible conditions in the hopes of becoming rich. However, these gold rushes would generally last just a few years before the gold which was easy to get ran out. The first and most famous was the California gold rush. It started in 1849, when it became known that gold had been discovered near San Francisco. More than 250,000 people from all over the world came to California, hoping to get rich. A few did, of course, but most either turned to other jobs or went on to other gold fields. Of those who stayed, many made fortunes in other areas. Selling goods and food to miners was profitable. Even more profitable was agriculture, and many of the former miners turned to raising crops or cattle. In this way, the gold rush changed the history of California and the whole Western United States.
505 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2008/11/08(土) 22:56:12 ]
続きです。 In 1851, gold was discovered in New South Wales, Australia, by an Australian who had been in the California gold fields. Again, miners went there in great numbers. The search for gold expanded to other parts of Australia and, over the next forty years, gold rush fever spread as gold was discovered in various parts of Australia. The last big gold rush was the Klondike gold rush in Alaska. It started in 1896, when three people found gold and in eight days mined over two kilograms of the precious metal. Soon the numbers grew to thousands as the news spread. But by 1899, the gold rush was over. The discovery of gold has often had a great (advance, development, influence, levelのどれか) one the history and economy of the places where it was found. Many people were brought to the area where it was discovered and often they stayed and settled there. The economy was developed both by the mining of gold and the selling of supplies to the miners. Thus, the discovery of gold has changed many countries.
506 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2008/11/08(土) 22:57:59 ]
504,505の問題です。 答えを教えていただけるとありがたいです。
ran outとほぼ同じ意味のものを1つ選択 @ had become impossible A was completely exhausted B was rushed C had passed time
the gold rush changed the history of California and the whole Western United Statesと内容の一致するものを1つ選択 @ Even more than the agricultural workers, the cattle ranchers developed and changed the history of an area. A Selling goods and food to miners was not profitable for the economy. B The gold rush was actually very profitable for everyone. C The economy was developed by miners who stayed and changed their jobs.
本文の内容と一致しないものを2つ選択 @ Gold rush fever is dangerous illness which killed many miners. A The California gold rush was noted for its small size at the beginning. B The Australian gold rush was started by miner who had taken part in the first gold rush. C The Alaskan gold rush did not last as long as the Australian gold rush. D If there is a gold rush, the economy tends to be developed in two ways.