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406 名前:ProvisionU Lesson8 mailto:sage [2008/11/03(月) 01:02:48 ]

Saint Nicholas was especially famous as a patron saint of
sailors and children.
 So how did this Saint Nicholas of Asia Minor become the Santa Claus that we see
at Christmas? SSaint Nicholas is said to have died in the middle of the 4th century
on December 6, a date which later became a holiday called Saint Nicholas Day.
The story of Saint Nicholas slowly spread across Europe after his death
and people in several different countries began to celebrate this holiday.
It was a day for giving presents to others. Holland, a nation became powful
through its sea trade, placed great importance on celebrating Saint Nicholas Day.
 In the 17th century,Dutch people started to immigrate to America. At that time,
most Dutch immigrants lived in the town of New Amsterdam,which is now New York.
The Dutch in New Amsterdam celebrated Saint Nicholas Day in the same way as
they had done back in their home country.In this way,the tradition of giving presents
on that day also became a custom in America. In fact,the same "Saint Nicholas"
comes from the Dutch"Sinterklaas,"meaning Saint Nicholas.

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