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イスラム教は野蛮な宗教である ★2

547 名前:ders of often persecuted minorities, accepted the laws of their host countries, declaring,
“the law of the kingdom is the law.”・・・

Yet a lack of power wasn’t the only thing that led Jews to abandon the constraints of Halakha,
there was also the Enlightenment -- more specifically the “Jewish Enlightenment.” Its proponents,
like the 18th-century philosopher Moses Mendelssohn, reinterpreted Judaism in the light of
modern values like secular knowledge, rationality and freedom of conscience. The arguments
Mendelssohn articulated in his 1783 masterpiece, “Jerusalem, or on Religious Power and Judaism,”
are remarkably similar to the arguments by Muslim reformists today. (In other words, the Jewish
Enlightenment, not Martin Luther’s Protestant Reformation, is the right analogy for the reform
needed in contemporary Islam.)・・・

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