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イスラム教は野蛮な宗教である ★2

546 名前:世界@名無史さん [2017/07/16(日) 23:13:35.74 0.net]
・・・The Jewish tradition of divine law, Halakha, which also means “the way,” is what Shariah
is modeled on. Like Shariah, Halakha has many rules on matters of personal observance
-- what to eat, what to wear -- that Orthodox Jews still follow. But it also has harsh
punishments, including stoning and even burning to death, for crimes such as adultery,
blasphemy and idolatry.

The big difference between Judaism and Islam here is that the former lost political power
nearly 2,000 years ago, at which time the Halakha’s penal code became ineffective. Rabbis,
as lea

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