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朝鮮人のWikipedia(ウィキペディア)捏造に対抗せよ 16

783 名前:マンセー名無しさん mailto:sage [2007/03/09(金) 01:08:19 ID:SvfXNdVW]
[[en:Anti-Japanese sentiment]](反日感情)
www.rieti.go.jp/en/papers/contribution/yoo/01.html (英語)
www.rieti.go.jp/jp/papers/contribution/yoo/02.html (日本語)


The majority of the citizens of Korea are more used to the term "King of Japan"
rather than "Emperor", which is used during formal or diplomatic situations,
because to those who lived through the invasion, the Imperial Household is the
Royal family, the Crown Prince is the King, and last but not least, the Imperial
Palace is the Royal residence. For those who were forced under Japanese rule
in the past, it is still difficult to accept the deification of the Emperor.
While in Japan, the Emperor has become a symbol of peace during special occasions,
for those Koreans who were not even permitted to raise their head for over 60 years,
he remains a great fear.

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