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1 名前:依頼あり@二兎追うものφ ★ [04/08/28 23:29 ID:???]
Engine that 'runs on air' August 26, 2004

 AN Australian inventor claims to have made the world's first commercially
-viable motor vehicle powered by compressed air.

 The vehicle is being tried out by contractors in Melbourne's parks and gardens
over the next 12 months as an alternative to conventional diesel or petrol engines.

 The engine's designer, Angelo Di Pietro from Melbourne company Engineair, said
the engine produced no pollutants and had only two moving parts, increasing its
efficiency over conventional designs.

 Di Pietro said it used compressed air to drive a rotary engine, abandoning the
pistons and cylinders seen in regular designs.

 The vehicle being tested in Melbourne has reached 50km/h in the workshop and
had proved more efficient than battery-powered golf carts.


Green buggy runs on hot air

652 名前:名無しのひみつ mailto:sage [2006/04/20(木) 11:22:37 ID:NsmH17mO]



653 名前:名無しのひみつ mailto:sage [2006/04/20(木) 13:37:51 ID:cIu2rIIU]

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