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OPアンプ スレッド パートVII

443 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2012/03/27(火) 19:42:26.80 ID:+9wQDy/c]



Unlike VFB op amps, the inverting input impedance of a CFB op amp is very low. This is
advantageous when using the op amp in the inverting mode as an I/V converter, because
there is less sensitivity to inverting input capacitance than with VFB.

A CFB op amp, on the other hand, presents a low impedance (RO) to fast switching currents even
before the feedback loop is closed, thereby limiting the voltage excursion without the
requirement of the external diodes. This greatly improves the settling time of the I/V converter.

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