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【外国人すごい】科学論文の生産性 日本のトップは沖縄科学技術大学院大学・・・授業は英語で行われ教員や学生の大半は外国人

401 名前:名無しさん@1周年 mailto:sage [2019/06/22(土) 21:21:43.55 ID:rmZogjSL0.net]

Fixed term appointment for 2 years. This contract may be renewed up to total of 3 years

* PhD degree in Biology (molecular biology, genetics, genomics), Computational Biology (bioinformatics, molecular evolution), Biostatistics.
* Computing experience, fluency in Linux/Unix, excellent knowledge in a programming language (Python, R, C/C++ etc).
* Language requirements. English (fluent), Japanese (beneficial)
* Commitment to equal opportunity and the ability to work harmoniously with colleagues of all cultures and backgrounds.

* Experience in the field of genomics (analysis of genome sequence and high-throughput sequencing data).
* Proven knowledge of basic principles of biology, especially molecular biology, molecular evolution and population genomics including relevant research techniques and methodologies.
* Strong demonstrable skills and ability in computational biology including comparative genomic analysis, identification and characterization of genetic regulatory regions, analysis of high-throughput sequencing data.
* Strong demonstrable skills in using a wide range of software and online resources for genomic analysis.
* Proven ability to analyse and write up data.
* Excellent communication skills.
* Proven ability to work in a team with diverse technical expertise towards a common goal and also independently.
* Peer-review publications in international scientific journals.
* Ability to conduct research with integrity and accountability such that the results obtained can be reproduced easily by others.

Annual Base Salary: from 4,458,000yen(371,500 yen/monthly) to 5,778,000yen (481,500yen/monthly)
Housing Allowance: 80% of the monthly rent, maximum of 60,000 yen/monthly.


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