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801 名前:名無しさん@1周年 [2018/01/17(水) 09:30:33.96 ID:GkHZZPkB0.net]
ナチ相手では未生還機に修理不能機(lost or damaged beyond repair)を加えても18,000機。

Aggregate United States plane losses during the course of the
Pacific war, not including training losses in the United States,
were approximately 27,000 planes. Of these losses 8,700 were
on combat missions; the remainder were training, ferrying and
other noncombat losses. Of the combat losses over 60 percent
were to antiaircraft fire.

In the attack by Allied air power, almost 2,700,000 tons of bombs
were dropped, more than 1,440,000 bomber sorties and 2,680,000
fighter sorties were flown. The number of combat planes reached a
peak of some 28,000 and at the maximum 1,300,000 men were in
combat commands. The number of men lost in air action was 79,265
Americans and 79,281 British. [Note: All RAF statistics are
preliminary or tentative.] More than 18,000 American and 22,000
British planes were lost or damaged beyond repair.

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