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413 名前:名無しさん@1周年 [2018/01/14(日) 18:36:49.64 ID:uJFjZcjK0.net]


Removing Japan from these lands - which fell primarily to the United States- proved
no easy task. Imperial Japanese soldiers surrendered at appallingly low rates.
According to some sources, only one to three percent of Japanese forces surrendered
throughout the war, and only one third of these troops actually wanted to surrender
(the rest were too sick or wounded to commit suicide or continue fighting.)
As a result, most estimates suggest that America’s casualty rate in the Pacific
theater was about three and a half times larger than in Europe

The 5 Most Precarious U.S. Allies of All Time
米にとって最も危険だった同盟国   ナショナルインテレスト誌 2015/01/21

ナチは作った兵器を全て日本軍に無償譲渡すべきで だった

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