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676 名前:地震雷火事名無し(群馬県) mailto:sage [2011/07/26(火) 17:52:04.65 ID:EmZxtayS0]
ジャック・ヴァレンティン(Jack Valentin)に関しては、ECRRの6章にこうありました。

『しかし、2009 年からヴァレンティン博士自身が、ICRP のモデルは
内部被ばくに関連した不確実性が(2 桁以上)大きすぎるために、

第6章 電離放射線:ICRP 線量体系における単位と定義、およびECRRによるその拡張

CB: The draft ICRP Recommendations said that for many internal exposures the concept of absorbed dose was not valid.
We would agree with that of course, but it disappeared from the final report. Why?

JV: In fact there is a whole section of the Biological annex which talks about the difficulties.
I don't know exactly why the specific statement disappeared but
a person reading those paragraphs in the annex will be able to see there's huge uncertainty.

CB: We're not talking about uncertainty but about the impossibility of using absorbed dose for internal nuclides.

JV: ICRP's position is that it's possible to use it albeit with large uncertainties.

CB: How large is large?

JV: Two orders is a very large uncertainty.

CB: So it could be in error by two orders for some internal exposures ― so we agree?

JV: (laughing) I'd hate for you to go home and say "Jack agreed with me"

CB: but I need an answer

JV: Then the answer is I don't agree with you. (laughing)

CB: but you just said Two orders of magnitude …

Partial transcript of conversation Part of a public meeting in Stockholm, 22 April 2009 marking the 23rd anniversary of Chernobyl.
Pr. Chris Busby, ECRR, versus Dr. Jack Valentin , ICRP, 1(2)

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