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日本語→英語スレ part410

672 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 mailto:sage [2017/11/20(月) 00:13:08.10 ID:Ul9m+1rQ0HAPPY.net]
I hadn't known what Instagram is until I had a chance to see the photos on your Instagram account.
As I saw them, I began to realize how wonderful Instagram is, and now I'm totally hooked.
You're the one who taught me the charms of Instagram. Thank you for letting me realize them.

Lots of celebrities around the world have their Instagram accounts, but yours is one of a kind and
by far the most interesting to me.

In my opinion, you're definitely the Instagram genius and the best Instagram user in the world.
I don't think anybody on the planet knows how to use Instagram better than you.


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