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日本語→英語スレ part410

472 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 mailto:sage [2017/09/23(土) 16:09:03.76 ID:bh4Hh/vh0.net]
Can I buy a product that is the same type of ASIN above at Amazon Canada?
How long had you been selling a type of products has a nylon strap with a marker for adjustment in Japan?
Did you change a kind of wood or quality of the wooden ring?

I bought the same product in Japan.
I sent this mail because I have some ideas of improvement for making your products better.
I hope this will help developments.

First, the buckle is hard and difficult to adjust the length, so it would be better if it can be adjusted easily.
I think it's useful if there are marks on the strap every centi meters to adjust both straps to the same lengths.
I don't care the price will be up, so i hope you use fine wooden material like a birch to make a wooden ring.
The 4 or 5 meter long length of strap is too long for home use so I want it to be 3 meters.

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