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英和辞典 13

72 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 mailto:2 [2015/10/23(金) 10:29:46.27 ID:RwHoWVKq.net]

I would, however, like to give props to Nate Silver, who had a good post a month ago about Hillary Clinton’s “poll-deflating feedback loop” set off by the erroneous Times story about a supposed criminal investigation.
He noted that at the time Clinton’s press coverage was almost completely dominated by three kinds of negative stories: emails, declining poll numbers, and Biden speculation.
And these stories were mutually reinforcing: weak poll numbers led to more Biden speculation, more negative stories hurt the poll numbers, and — Silver doesn’t say this,
but it was obvious ー there was a blood-in-the-water effect on the press, which was encouraged to indulge its Clinton derangement syndrome by signs of weakness.


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