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661 名前:名盤さん [2019/07/12(金) 07:56:39.31 ID:F+b3zsqJ.net]
ヤギヤスオ @yagiyasuo

The MOI - Plastic People - Absolutely Free (1967)

Side one: "Absolutely Free" (#1 in a Series of Underground Oratorios)
1. Plastic People 2. The Duke of Prunes 3. Amnesia Vivace 4. The Duke Regains His Chops
5. Call Any Vegetable 6. Invocation & Ritual Dance of the Young Pumpkin 7. Soft-Sell Conclusion
Side two: "The M.O.I. American Pageant" (#2 in a Series of Underground Oratorios)
1. America Drinks 2. Status Back Baby 3. Uncle Bernie's Farm 4. Son of Suzy Creamcheese
5. Brown Shoes Don't Make It 6. America Drinks & Goes Home
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