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【映画】<007> 次期ジェームズ・ボンドは黒人になる模様 ★2

1 名前:ニライカナイφ ★ [2018/08/10(金) 13:15:08.86 ID:CAP_USER9.net]
Idris Elba the next 007? Movie boss says ‘door open for first black James Bond’
MOVIE boss Barbara Broccoli has left the door open for Luther star Idris Elba to be the first black Bond.

Director Antoine Fuqua chatted to Barbara about who will take over from Daniel Craig, 50, if he hangs up his gun after the next Bond film, due next year.
Idris, 45, is in the running to take on the coveted role.

Antoine, 52, revealed Barbara feels “it is time” for an ethnic minority actor to star as 007 and she is certain “it will happen eventually”.
He added: “Idris could do it if he was in shape. You need a guy with physically strong presence. Idris has that.”


Daily Star 2018/8/9

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