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859 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2017/05/20(土) 22:49:13.48 ID:L6LCYrDL0.net]
Lang-8 is a site where members help each other learn languages.

It's not fair to only receive corrections from other members. You should also correct other members' entries in return.

In comparison to the number of entries you've posted, you should try to correct at least the same number of other members' entries.

The number of Japanese natives learning English is more than three times the number of English natives learning Japanese on this site. As a result, many English entries remain uncorrected.

Please do not forget to send a "thank you" message (or at least press the thank you button) in a timely manner when your entries have been corrected. It's the least you can do to show your respect towards those who have helped you.

Please try to include an English translation of your Japanese entries so that people can correct your entries with more accuracy. They can also learn English from your translation.

Some Lang-8 members use "俺," which is very rude to other Lang-8 members. Please use "私." If you are a man, "僕" is also okay.

I hope that all Lang-8 members can start showing this level of courtesy towards other members.

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