>>405 imagine a someone's head. If there are two or three hairs on it. It's "wabi". If ten or twenty hairs, It's "sabi" If abundant and long hairs. it's "moe"
>>416 I am a cat. As yet I have no name. I've no idea where I was born. All I remember is that I was meowing in a dampish dark place when, for the first time, I saw a human being.
I am a cat,but I have no name yet.I have not found the place in which I was born,but I only remember that I was crying at the place that was dark and moist. ニャーニャーってどうやって入れればいいんだろう・・・。
In the movie,strange to say,there is the mood every generation. The mean is more produced generation than drawn one. Had they made it with the same theme,the camerawork and choosing words would have been different from eighty years to ninety and after.
I am a cat,but I have no name yet.I have not found the place in which I was born,but I only remember that I was crying at the place that was dark and moist.
見当がつかない=わからない。I have no idea where... dark and moist place at the place that was dark and moist.→in a dark and moist place.
425 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2008/06/22(日) 13:21:50 ]
I thought that the moive was pretty good. Harrison Ford does not use the whip very often, maybe 2 or 3 times. You get to see the Ark from the first movie for a couple seconds. The skull is magnetized and belongs to aliens. There was some funny parts. Shia LeBouef plays the character that is the unknown son of Indiana Jones. The mother is the women from the first movie. The way it ends makes you wonder if there is going to another moive but with Shia LaBouef as the next Indiana Jones. The enemy is the Soviet Union.
426 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2008/06/22(日) 13:25:03 ]
It may be a little strange but movies have their own atomosphere according to their generation. ;not ages in which they is written but ages in which they are produced. There is a difference in atomosphere between one which is produced in about from 1980 to 1995 and one produced after that. Explaining it in detail, camera work and speech is different from each other.
>>422 Curiously enough, each movie has its own mood depending on when it was made. WhatI mean is not the time when the synopsis took place, but when the film itself was made. The films made between around 1980 to 1995 are not the same with newer films in terms of camera works and choosing words.
428 名前:427 mailto:sage [2008/06/22(日) 14:10:47 ]
Curiously enough, each movie has its own mood depending on when it was made. What I mean is not the time when the synopsis took place, but when the film itself was made. The films made between around 1980 to 1995 are not the same with newer films in terms of camera works and choosing words, all in all, the style is different, even they filmed on the same issue.
In every age, though not the age that is created but the age that is produced, there's somethig about its unique air in every movie,
Even if a movie was created based on the same theme, the feature of the work, say, camera works or choice of words, are different if we compare the one created in around '80 to '95 with the latter.
As "Indiana Jones 4" seems to have the same time background with the former film, I was able to enjoy it a lot. (It's kind'a hard to describe, but I don't mean it was out'a date. I kind'a feel a sense of nostalgia, feeling like I can go back to the age when I'd see it.)
>>429 上手だとは思うけど、最初の段落、なかなか主題が出てこない。和文では 「映画には」から始まるから、映画についての話だな〜とわかるけど、 in every age, ってなると、歳のことについてかな?で、最後にやっと even if a movie was created...だから、どうなんだろう。これはプロの人の訳ですか?
I am a cat. Unfortunately, I have no name yet. I have no idea where I was born, oh well, but I was crying, "meow meow", I remember, at the place where was so dim and clammy.
映画には不思議と時代ごとの雰囲気があります。描かれた年代というよりは製作された年代という意味ですが。 80年ごろから95年ごろまで、それ以降とではおそらく同じ題材を作っても作品のカラーというか、カメラワークや台詞選びが異なります。 Curiously enough, each movie has its own atmosphere according to time, by which I mean when the film was made, not when the story takes place. For example, a movie made in around 1980 to 1995 shows different camera works or selection of words with the one made later. even though these would be based on same subjects.