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429 名前:真の英語のプロ ◆tBZGb/7UZg [2008/06/22(日) 14:40:16 ]

In every age, though not the age that is created but the age that is produced,
there's somethig about its unique air in every movie,

Even if a movie was created based on the same theme, the feature of the
work, say, camera works or choice of words, are different if we compare the
one created in around '80 to '95 with the latter.

As "Indiana Jones 4" seems to have the same time background with the
former film, I was able to enjoy it a lot. (It's kind'a hard to describe, but I don't
mean it was out'a date. I kind'a feel a sense of nostalgia, feeling like I can go
back to the age when I'd see it.)

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