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1 名前:573 [2001/07/29(日) 16:47.net]

183 名前:oyatsu mailto:sage [01/08/31 00:34 ID:tdqHzyaA.net]


184 名前:oyatsu mailto:sage [01/08/31 00:39 ID:tdqHzyaA.net]
>183 cor.

185 名前:try [01/10/02 23:33.net]
Slowly but surely
we should make more peaceful world
Slowly but surely

186 名前:try [01/10/02 23:42.net]
With us or against us
No!no!that is bad idea
with peace against would war

187 名前:try [01/10/03 03:24.net]
It's so dangerous
One on attack is one on all
Stop aerial bombing
>Dear Prime minister Koizumi

>>185,186 Dear President Bush

188 名前:joe [01/10/03 14:38.net]
we are members
on one ship (named the earth)

189 名前:joe [01/10/03 14:44.net]
remember more
the ship is one and only

190 名前:1 [01/10/03 14:56.net]

191 名前:Lila [01/10/03 17:31.net]
The summer birds go away, and
the winter birds return
at this time of the year


192 名前:詠み人知らず [01/10/03 23:24.net]
Hurry up!
The peace is breaking
At this seconnd

193 名前:五七三@573改め [01/10/03 23:38.net]
hi,how are you
i'm fine ,and you?
this is a pen-is

194 名前:@Issa [01/10/03 23:45.net]
A storm passes
A fine feeling

195 名前:五七三@573改め [01/10/03 23:52.net]
if you watch fox
you wanna go to war
thou should've seen rabbits

196 名前:try mailto:sage [01/12/02 04:58.net]
over the table
someone sells the huge weapon
another one buys

197 名前:try mailto:sage [01/12/02 05:02.net]
Ah,me!it's too fast
Mr.Harison passed away
in early winter

198 名前:try mailto:sage [01/12/02 05:07.net]
Hey,what's going on??
i need to know what's happen
befor you start singing!

to America

199 名前:try mailto:sage [01/12/25 04:13.net]
God Bless this planet
Send Santa Clauses to Afgan
instead of bullet!

200 名前:Microsoft [02/01/06 05:14.net]
  (  ´つ < 200Getでゴンス

201 名前:あおきひとし@3210 あほうむ ビギャn mailto:inouye@gw2.gateway.ne.jp [02/01/29 03:30.net]


202 名前:あおきひとし@3210 あほうむ ビギャn mailto:inouye@gw2.gateway.ne.jp [02/01/29 03:32.net]

203 名前:hana [02/01/29 20:18.net]
An understanding does not reach.
It may be that a man like 202
is making the program of TV.

204 名前:あおきひとし@3210 あほうむ ビギャn mailto:inouye@gw2.gateway.ne.jp [02/01/29 20:33.net]
How many boards must a man install
Before you call it hardware
Yes’n’how many bugs must a man fix up
Before you call it software
Yes’n’how many system must a man crach down
Before they call him a hacker
The answer  my friend, is blowin’in the WINDOWS
The answer is blowin’in the WINDOWS  

205 名前:あおきひとし@3210 あほうむ ビギャn mailto:inouye@gw2.gateway.ne.jp [02/01/29 20:37.net]
その答えは ともだちよ

206 名前:あおきひとし@3210 あほうむ ビギャn mailto:inouye@gw2.gateway.ne.jp [02/01/29 20:39.net]

207 名前:あおきひとし@3210 あほうむ ビギャn mailto:inouye@gw2.gateway.ne.jp [02/01/29 20:41.net]
つーか、それが商売なもんでして えへ

208 名前:ba-na mailto:sage [02/01/29 20:41.net]
An understanding does not reach
It may be that a person like 203
is naming "hana" as HN.

209 名前:ki'' mailto:sage [02/01/31 16:42.net]
i don't know who you are
and i really don't care,either
but,one thing,
why don't you cut your name more shorter??
It's just worn-out!!

210 名前:nns mailto:sage [02/02/01 01:01.net]
It is boring here for me recently.
It is a very tedious place.
I am disappointed.

211 名前:あおきひとし@3210 あほうむ ビギャn mailto:inouye@gw2.gateway.ne.jp [02/02/02 16:32.net]
The Passinng spring,
Birds cry, and fishes weep
With tearful eyes

212 名前: Humming [02/02/02 20:58.net]
the fish is crying
there is the taste of a tear in sea water

the bird is also crying 
empty in the evening is red

213 名前:あおきひとし@3210 あほうむ ビギャn mailto:inouye@gw2.gateway.ne.jp [02/02/02 21:53.net]


We're off the road to the Deep North
This horse is tough on the back
Where we're goin' why we're goin'
How can we be syre
I'll lay you eight to five that we'll meet Priest Saigyo

214 名前:hi~ mailto:sage [02/02/03 12:00.net]
how can i say this
impossible explain truth
with a billion words

215 名前:あおきひとし@3210 あほうむ ビギャn mailto:inouye@gw2.gateway.ne.jp [02/02/10 09:09.net]
Well,it's for one the money,
two for the show,

216 名前:あおきひとし@3210 あほうむ ビギャn mailto:inouye@gw2.gateway.ne [02/02/18 23:35.net]
call yet
came hire

217 名前:あおきそのひとあらひとがみ [02/06/30 06:54.net]
boat is
for end

218 名前:詠み人知らず [02/08/01 11:16.net]
indulgent lard
langourous recoil
leisured words

219 名前:詠み人知らず [02/08/01 11:21.net]
lemminng nonage
pantheism rigmarole
spitchcock trough

220 名前:詠み人知らず [02/08/01 11:25.net]
serape nautch
irrevocable hooch
ferocious fern

221 名前:詠み人知らず [02/08/01 11:30.net]
numismatic putsch
legato heliotrope
flinders effusively

222 名前:詠み人知らず mailto:sage [02/08/01 11:35.net]
indenture lenity
no-frills prdication
rinderpest leech

223 名前:詠み人知らず mailto:sage [02/08/02 01:48.net]
pleach precincts
limpet nuzzle
pathogenic linctus

224 名前:詠み人知らず mailto:sage [02/08/02 01:52.net]
mock-heroic notary
down the plughole
in chancery

225 名前:をきのいし mailto:inouye@gw2.gateway.ne.jp [02/08/03 01:03.net]
至急 乞う


  long 'life
short rain

226 名前:詠み人知らす [02/08/03 22:42.net]
endorsee grit
modality panjandrum
of prothalium

227 名前:詠み人知らす [02/08/03 22:45.net]
retiree sliver
summa cum laude
parricidal ligament

228 名前:詠み人知らす [02/08/03 22:55.net]
fossick hullabaloos
hold me up to mockery
precancerous registrant

229 名前:詠み人知らす [02/08/03 23:15.net]
evidential hierophant
melanic mucilaginous
procession specked

230 名前:詠み人知らす [02/08/03 23:32.net]
incongruously muscular
repulsive shaggy dog
parley with foretop

231 名前:詠み人知らず mailto:sage [02/08/03 23:44.net]
glad you're smilin' red
pure mischief is just for fun
devil gets my toe

232 名前:詠み人知らず mailto:sage [02/08/03 23:45.net]
masks often reveal
true spirit residing there
hidden in plain sight

233 名前:詠み人知らず mailto:sage [02/08/03 23:46.net]
catch me if you can
intriguing wench demures sounds
like another tease

234 名前:詠み人知らず mailto:sage [02/08/03 23:51.net]
cool water rushed swirled
transformative perfection
be my muse tonight

235 名前:詠み人知らす [02/08/03 23:59.net]
gantry of hidebound
magnate in moue ontological
parataxis prattle

236 名前:詠み人知らす [02/08/04 00:42.net]
garish grebe
inrauterine device
naturopath putty

237 名前:をきのいし mailto:inouye@gw2.gateway.ne.jp [02/08/04 19:10.net]
OFF Of ora
on the rock of

238 名前:詠み人知らす [02/08/04 23:22.net]
foreordained to mope
prattle precessinonaly
pusilanimous regimen

239 名前:詠み人知らす [02/08/04 23:33.net]
regerminate shoreward
mastectomy jointure jowl
outbrave insidiousness

240 名前:詠み人知らす [02/08/04 23:41.net]
inspan pictorial
retroflex shambles
saltana tersely

241 名前:W.C.フラナガン.JN mailto:inouye@gw2.gateway.ne.jp [02/08/05 03:35.net]
Under the roof      ひとつやに
ofHitotu-ya       おつやかまえて
I slept          やってもた
with two courtesans!   気持ち良いから
"Bush clover"and2Moon# 銭ですました

242 名前:詠み人知らす [02/08/05 23:01.net]
reclamation shank
higgledypiggledy precentor
majordomo incorrigibly

243 名前:詠み人知らす [02/08/05 23:33.net]
ambrosial caber
cut your eyeteeth
reteratim perkiness

244 名前:詠み人知らす [02/08/05 23:37.net]
costive droopingly
fontanel hying to mobcap
prebend spree

245 名前:詠み人知らす [02/08/06 00:01.net]
fluvial oligarch
hidalgo lisp olde worldely
patsy of procurer

246 名前:W.C.フラナガン.JN mailto:inouye@gw2.gateway.ne.jp [02/08/06 05:26.net]
A weather-exposed skeleton   野晒を
Haunts my heart : hoe the wind 心に風の
Penetrates my body        滲む身かな

247 名前:詠み人知らす [02/08/06 23:42.net]
literati overabundant
retoroverted shag

248 名前:詠み人知らす [02/08/06 23:58.net]
gentian kayo
mnemonic permeation
quietus russet

249 名前:詠み人知らす [02/08/07 13:26.net]
perspocacious sojourner
insobriety of palver
scram in situ

250 名前:◆l06L7qsM [02/08/08 08:10.net]

251 名前:詠み人知らす [02/08/08 12:42.net]
fraught lyrist
prosy prostration
soigne cahoots

252 名前:詠み人知らす [02/08/08 12:52.net]
exculpatory kedge
ogreish sapience titeringly
lech after horrendously

253 名前:詠み人知らす [02/08/08 23:17.net]
purblind ripsnorter
sebaceous legion
frangible defier

254 名前:詠み人知らす [02/08/09 16:30.net]
radiance of latrine
genuflect and expropriate
dawdler convoluted

255 名前:にこにこちんちんはいらいと mailto:inouye@gw2.gateway.ne.jp [02/08/10 05:08.net]
A weather-ekposed skeleton 野ざらしを
Haunts my heart : how the wind 心に風の
Penetrates my body        しむ身かな

256 名前:詠み人知らず [03/01/10 09:51.net]
I see nature's art
yellow kumquats contrast with
white snow in sunshine

#kumquat 金柑の実

257 名前:あぼーん mailto:あぼーん [あぼーん.net]

258 名前:scarlet [03/01/10 17:16.net]
A stranger asked me
"How to get to the station?"
We are not in the SESAME STREET.

259 名前:山崎渉 mailto:(^^)sage [03/01/12 23:55.net]

260 名前:山崎渉 mailto:(^^)sage [03/01/21 14:18.net]

261 名前:山崎渉 mailto:(^^) [03/03/13 12:02.net]

262 名前:山崎渉 mailto:(^^) [03/04/17 10:49.net]

263 名前:山崎渉 mailto:(^^)sage [03/04/20 05:18.net]
  (  ^^ )< ぬるぽ(^^)

264 名前:山崎渉 mailto:(^^) [03/05/22 01:21.net]

265 名前:山崎渉 mailto:(^^) [03/05/28 16:00.net]
ピュ.ー (  ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。
  =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕
  = ◎――◎                      山崎渉

266 名前:あゆぼん mailto:@ストーカー車追跡中?!(笑) [03/05/30 00:26.net]
Paparazzi ?! “A Ballerina Scandal !!”

267 名前:あかね [03/05/30 01:54.net]
A Snail's throwing
his weight about on
a shinning leaf after the rain.

268 名前:詠み人知らず [03/05/30 01:56.net]
“ヘ( ̄- ̄ )カモォーン♪

269 名前:山崎 渉 mailto:(^^) [03/07/12 16:43.net]

 |(  ^^ )| <寝るぽ(^^)
 \ |⌒⌒⌒~|         山崎渉
   ~ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

270 名前:山崎 渉 mailto:(^^) [03/07/15 12:08.net]

 |(  ^^ )| <寝るぽ(^^)
 \ |⌒⌒⌒~|         山崎渉
   ~ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

271 名前:ぼるじょあ ◆yBEncckFOU mailto:(^^) [03/08/02 04:16.net]
     ∧_∧  ∧_∧
ピュ.ー (  ・3・) (  ^^ ) <これからも僕たちを応援して下さいね(^^)。
  =〔~∪ ̄ ̄ ̄∪ ̄ ̄〕
  = ◎――――――◎                      山崎渉&ぼるじょあ

272 名前:ぶっこわれちまった牢名主 mailto:inouye@gw2.gateway.ne.jp [03/08/11 08:23.net]

273 名前:あゆぼん mailto:(*^-^)ノ [03/08/11 22:43.net]
Trinity Free Mason? Tripod

274 名前:あれ mailto:sage [03/08/11 23:08.net]
England INGURANDO Beccam

275 名前:詠み人知らず mailto:sage [03/08/12 16:40.net]
        \      アベポと言えば?        /ナンダコイツハ   アベポモナー    アベポッ
山崎先生が  . \        ∧_∧ ∩山崎渉だろ ./ ∧_∧     ∧_∧      ∧_∧
   性犯罪あべぽ \      ( ・∀・)ノ______  /  ( ;・∀・)    (; ´Д`)     (´Д`; )
          ∧ ∧ \    (入   ⌒\つ  /| /  ⊂   ⊂ )    ( つ ⊂ )    ( ⊃   ⊃
         (゚Д゚ )_ .\   .ヾヽ  /\⌒)/  |/     〉 〉\\   〉 〉 く く   //( (
     / ̄ ̄∪ ∪ /| .\  || ⌒| ̄ ̄ ̄|    /     (__) (_)  (_.)(_)  (_) (__)
   /∧_∧またあべぽ・・・\    ∧∧∧∧ /        『山崎渉はあべぽ』
  / (;´∀` )_/       \  < 山 ま > ファンの女をレイプしたあべぽ。ストーカー被害もあべぽ。 
 || ̄(     つ ||/         \< 崎 た > チャットや掲示板でもセクハラ三昧。2chの(^^)あべぽ。
 || (_○___)  ||            < 渉   > 鳥山絵のパクリ絵だけで金を儲ける三流あべぽ。
――――――――――――――― .< か   >――――――――――――――――――――――――
         ∧_∧ ENIXを     < !   >    1 名前:山崎渉 [(^^)] 投稿日:03/01/22 14:13 ID:a6e9o
         ( ;´∀`)クビになってる… ∨∨∨ \  
    _____(つ_ と)___       ./       \    世の中のあべぽの皆さん(^^;
 . / \        ___ \アベポ /   ∧_∧ 犯\  これからも僕をポアしてくださいね(^^)
 .<\※ \____.|i\___ヽ.アベポ/ γ(⌒)・∀・ )罪  \  
  ヽ\ ※ ※ ※|i i|.====B|i.ヽ  /(YYて)ノ   ノ  者   \   2 名前:また山崎渉あべぽ 投稿日:03/01
    \`ー──-.|\.|___|__◎_|_.i‐>/ \  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ め     \
      ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|. | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| / ||ヽ|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||  ! !       \    >>1 あべぽ!

276 名前:山崎 渉 mailto:(^^) [03/08/15 20:12.net]
   │ ^ ^ │<これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。
  ⊂|    |つ
   (_)(_)                      山崎パン

277 名前:走れ誉めろス ◆TIGERS9Vwk mailto:sage [03/10/23 22:08.net]
be happy
be happy to

278 名前::詠み人知らず [03/11/15 23:30.net]
Booze out Red
Unconscious of you
Heavenly Night

279 名前::詠み人知らず [03/11/18 22:38.net]
United States
United Countries in Grief
United for Safe

280 名前::詠み人知らず [03/11/18 22:44.net]
Killing machine ひとのこころをうしないて 
Terrorist Murder   ひとごろしとののしられ
Annihilation      いつおわるのか

281 名前:クロレラ ◆GMchlORelA mailto:sage [03/11/18 23:08.net]
Free care
Car was to be come
Ms's not

282 名前::詠み人知らず [03/11/18 23:19.net]
訳します 添削を


283 名前::詠み人知らず [03/11/18 23:31.net]
ふりけーれ かれはとびこむ みずのおと

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