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【must not allow】 ISFJ 【Shameless】

1 名前:文責・名無しさん [2022/11/19(土) 21:40:41.51 ID:Tllg8FNiu]
2003 Dawn of 2ch
2010 Nico Dawn
2014 When I used to be noisy
2017 I saw a shadow on Nico Live. Pecking in the corner of the jubako started to increase. Authoritarian cult fanatics Menhera's authoritarians are full of negativity, making a fuss here and there. I'll take control for you.
Until 2019, the whole world was basically free
2020 In the corona society (conspiracy by reptilians), it begins to become a controlled society
2021 As the restrictions imposed by the controlled society become more severe, awakened people begin to ring the alarm bells.
2022 Hopeless. With 5G, vaccines, etc., everyone is exhausted. Once again, the misbehaving gang, the ISFJs, are on the mend. At the same time, more and more people are awakening

The culprits of social stress are people with ISFJ personality types

68 名前:文責・名無しさん [2023/02/21(火) 04:03:54.18 ID:QIAvy8iMP]
I would decapitate real ISTJs and ISFJs

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