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最強のエミュレータ(N64編) Part5

708 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2015/10/07(水) 11:19:33.68 ID:qZoDMiYV0.net]
2015-10-06 News:
Today saw the release of ED64 OS 2.10. What's so special about it? It officially supports 64DD cartridge ports.
It even saves back the new data. It also fixes Dezaemon 3D SRAM.
So I've taken the liberty to remove the mention of 64drive.
However, I'm not sure if you really can swap the cartridge ports with each other, the main selling point of Mario Artist is that the data is compatible with each other and also a few games like SimCity 64 and Doshin.
So I don't know about that, but at least it saves back the new data automatically unlike 64drive.
Enjoy the games!
EDIT: Added MAME tutorial!

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