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127 名前:氏名黙秘 mailto:sage [2014/05/21(水) 01:34:38.74 ID:???.net]
Thus, for practical and legal purposes, humans are not animals. When Darwin intimated in 1859 that we had evolved from apes,
it is no wonder that most people initially regarded his theory as absurd and continued to insist that we had been separately
created by God. Many people, including a quarter of all American college graduates, still hold to that belief today.
On the other hand, we obviously are animals, with the usual animal body parts, molecules, and genes. It is even clear what
particular type of animal we are. Externally, we are so similar to chimpanzees that eighteenth-century anatomists who believed
in divine creation could already recognize our affinities. Just imagine taking some normal people, stripping off their clothes,
taking away all their other possessions, depriving them of the power of speech, and reducing them to grunting, without changing
their anatomy at all. Put them in a cage in the zoo next to the chimp cages, and let the rest of us clothed and talking people
visit the zoo. Those speechless caged people would be seen for what we all really are: a chimp that has little hair and walks upright.
A zoologist from outer space would immediately classify us as just a third species of chimpanzee, along with the pygmy chimp of
Zaire and the common chimp of the rest of tropical Africa.

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