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■■■ 真光関係者集合!!(72)■■■

274 名前:組手逮捕 容疑は児童虐待 mailto:sage [2016/10/18(火) 00:37:12.19 ID:1LsovwDq.net]

>In April, police arrested three educators believed to be

>members of the Sukyo Mahikari, a Japanese "cult," for "abusing the weakness" of children in Ardennes.

>There were no reports of religious prisoners or detainees.

>Sukyo Mahikari: Ardennes educator in prison

>The Union, April 10, 2004 by Christophe Perrin

>Children's welfare emanation of the General Council of the Ardennes, houses the Mahikari sect members.

>Justice has indicted three individuals. Since Thursday, a special education teacher is in prison.

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