- 274 名前:組手逮捕 容疑は児童虐待 mailto:sage [2016/10/18(火) 00:37:12.19 ID:1LsovwDq.net]
- アメリカ政府がカルト事案として、2004年にフランスで起きた崇教真光信者による児童虐待事件を取り上げています。
>In April, police arrested three educators believed to be >members of the Sukyo Mahikari, a Japanese "cult," for "abusing the weakness" of children in Ardennes. >There were no reports of religious prisoners or detainees. >Sukyo Mahikari: Ardennes educator in prison >The Union, April 10, 2004 by Christophe Perrin >Children's welfare emanation of the General Council of the Ardennes, houses the Mahikari sect members. >Justice has indicted three individuals. Since Thursday, a special education teacher is in prison.
