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医者「プロテインを飲むと腎臓が悪くなる。人工的なタンパク質は避けろ!」「筋トレをしてもタンパク質を摂取する必要はない!」 [451991854]

164 名前:番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です [2021/05/09(日) 19:27:49.95 ID:ibx7C57J0.net]
Can Whey Protein Damage Your Kidneys?
Eating a high-protein meal can raise the pressure inside the kidneys and cause them to filter more blood than usual (14, 15Trusted Source).
However, this does not mean that a high-protein meal harms the kidneys.
In fact, studies show that this is a normal bodily response and not usually a cause for concern (16Trusted Source, 17Trusted Source).
Moreover, there is no evidence that too much protein can damage the kidneys of healthy people (16Trusted Source, 18Trusted Source).
For example, a detailed review of 74 studies on protein’s effects on the kidneys concluded that there is no reason to restrict protein intake in healthy people (18Trusted Source).
That said, there is evidence that a high-protein diet can be harmful for people with kidney disease.
Studies show that a high-protein diet in those with kidney disease may further damage the kidneys (19Trusted Source, 20Trusted Source).
If you have an existing kidney condition, then it’s best to check with your doctor about whether whey protein is fine for you.

実際、研究によると、これは正常な身体的反応であり、通常は懸念の原因ではありません(16Trusted Source、17TrustedSource)。
さらに、タンパク質が多すぎると健康な人の腎臓に損傷を与える可能性があるという証拠はありません(16Trusted Source、18TrustedSource)。
研究によると、腎臓病のある人の高タンパク食は腎臓にさらに損傷を与える可能性があります(19Trusted Source、20TrustedSource)。

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