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1 名前:番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です [2021/01/27(水) 22:03:03.99 ID:k2syU72z0●.net BE:399583221-PLT(13072)]
How The Beatles made Revolver, the album that changed Everything

Studio innovations, sonic trickery, songwriting genius and everything including the kitchen sink (well, a bathtub). This is how The Beatles made Revolver and revolutionised rock

During December 1965 and the first two months of ’66, The Beatles’ Rubber Soul album spent eight weeks at No.1 in the UK and six weeks at No.1 in the US, and was still in the US Top 20 when the group returned to Abbey Road studios in April ’66 to begin recording material for their next new album.

The ‘all killer no filler’ excellence of Rubber Soul had set a new benchmark for the world’s top rock artists to equal, and was even talked about as having shifted the focus of rock music from singles to albums. As others strove to equal it, The Beatles set about the task of making something even better.

“At this point in their career there was very little external pressure on them,” Apple Records director Tony Bramwell remembers. “EMI had all but given up trying to make them do things, and [Beatles manager] Brian Epstein never interfered in that way.”

Being a close associate of the band since his days of being their roadie in Liverpool, Bramwell noticed a different kind of pressure on them. “They were no longer the four-headed mop-top monster they’d be

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