■拉致され、韓国軍慰安婦にされ、後に米兵の相手をさせられた例 (スタンフォード大学のサイトから) Ask Mu Yung Shin,* presently a prostitute at a Korean massage parlor in Dallas. Abducted at the age of 14 from her village home in South Korea by a group of Korean criminals, she was repeatedly raped, then sent to one of the infamous "sex farms" used by the South Korean army, where she was made a sex slave for two years. In the early nineties she was moved to the US legally through a sham marriage with an American GI and has served ever since as a Korean massage parlor prostitute in various locales stretching from Chicago and Houston to New York City.・・・ www.stanford.edu/group/reflections/Winter1998/Nonfiction/KoreanPride.html