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【政治】 民主・小沢氏 「国際社会のコンセンサスなしにアメリカが始めた戦争。参加できない」…米駐日大使との会談、異例の公開★9

186 名前:名無しさん@八周年 [2007/08/10(金) 17:06:20 ID:bj0G6CMs0]
Why Terrorists Aren’t Soldiers - New York Times

THE line between soldier and civilian has long been central to the law of war. Today that line is being blurred in the struggle against transnational terrorists.
Since 9/11 the Bush administration has sought to categorize members of Al Qaeda and other jihadists as “unlawful combatants” rather than treat them as criminals.

Treating terrorists as combatants is a mistake for two reasons. First, it dignifies criminality by according terrorist killers the status of soldiers. Under the law of war,
military service members receive several privileges. They are permitted to kill the enemy and are immune from prosecution for doing so.
They must, however, carefully distinguish between combatant and civilian and ensure that harm to civilians is limited.

If we are to defeat terrorists across the globe, we must do everything possible to deny legitimacy to their aims and means,
and gain legitimacy for ourselves. As a result, terrorism should be fought first with information exchanges and law enforcement,
then with more effective domestic security measures.

Only as a last resort should we call on the military and label such activities “war.” The formula for defeating terrorism is well known and time-proven.

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