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216 名前:名無しさん@九周年 mailto:sage [2008/10/28(火) 10:11:26 ID:OpOXonjc0]

875 :可愛い奥様:2008/10/28(火) 09:49:08 ID:rgYw+gQX0
Thursday 30th October 2008

His Royal Highness, accompanied by Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado, will visit Afan Forest to see how the forest is being managed sustainably to promote and protect bio-diversity, Nagano.

The Prince of Wales, accompanied by Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado will visit Enmei Tea Factory to learn more about the uses for traditional Japanese medicinal herbs and meet farmers who farm organically.

The Duchess of Cornwall, Patron, Helen and Douglas House, will visit St Luke’s Hospital and meet staff before visiting the children’s ward to meet young patients and participate in a pet therapy session.

The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall will attend a dinner given by Their Imperial Highnesses The Crown Prince and Princess at the Imperial Palace, Tokyo.



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