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【米国】ジョージ・フロイド氏の葬儀が行われる ノースカロライナ州 [オクタヴィアス5世★]

1 名前:オクタヴィアス5世 ★ [2020/06/07(日) 03:33:03 ID:ir/KYJ079.net]
Mourners hold memorial for George Floyd as more protests ramp up

JUN 06, 2020 | 1:10 PM


Mourners held a private memorial service Saturday in George Floyd’s North Carolina hometown, and the nation’s capital prepared for what was expected to be the city’s largest demonstration against police brutality yet.
Military vehicles and officers in fatigues closed off much of downtown Washington to traffic ahead of the planned march, which was expected to attract up to 200,000 people outraged by Floyd's death 12 days ago at the hands of police in Minneapolis.


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