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【速報】ヨスキキとかいう日本人音楽家のスカーフがエリザベス女王の首に巻き付いてしまう 英メディア報じる (画像・動画あり)

1 名前:スタス ★ [2019/06/25(火) 18:33:05.82 ID:LP3Mg4QR9.net]

The Queen remained unruffled today as she was hit in the face with a black scarf while at the Royal Windsor Cup Polo match.

Looking radiant in a bold pink coat and floral dress the queen was anything but flustered when the material blew into her face in the breeze as she descended the stairs from the royal viewing box - while a horrified Gillian Anderson watched on with a look of terror.

The actress seemed particularly disturbed by the unintentional breach of protocol which saw Japanese musician Yoskiki reach to save his scarf from the queen's face.

The musician, who is leader of rock group X Japan, also appeared taken aback and was open-mouthed, while the Queen carried on as usual to make a presentation at the Royal Windsor Cup.

Nevertheless Queen Elizabeth II was full of smiles and appeared well rested as she greeted guests today, at her sixth engagement in seven days.

Scroll down for video.

A shocked Gillian Anderson gasps as Japanese musician Yoskiki's scarf blows into the queens face at the Royal Windsor cup Final at Guards polo club
A shocked Gillian Anderson gasps as Japanese musician Yoskiki's scarf blows into the queens face at the Royal Windsor cup Final at Guards polo club



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