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399 名前:名無しさん@自治スレにてローカルルール議論中 [2009/02/19(木) 20:09:28 ID:Rn4ivGO00]

Body found in mall’s water tank: The
body of a man was found in a tank supplying
water to a shopping centre in Japan, where it
may have been floating for several weeks,
police said Thursday.

The man appeared to have committed suicide
by jumping from the roof of a threestorey
building in Matsusaka, central Japan,
ending up in the adjacent tank, local police

“He drowned and was floating. But his
body was not so swollen because it was cold
as it was almost winter,” a police spokesman
said. The body was found on Nov 27.

The man was in his 40s and his family
fit,” the centre said in a statement. (AFP)


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