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【芸能】とにかく明るい安村が快挙!英番組決勝に「アイム・バック!」優勝逃すも会場総立ち「夢みたいでした」 [Ailuropoda melanoleuca★]

84 名前:新規スレ立て人募集 社説+の募集スレまで [2023/06/05(月) 17:04:59.22 ID:J7LJIR/G0.net]
Britain's Got Talent Tonikaku wildcard decision sparks calls for judges to be 'axed'

Britain's Got Talent's wildcard act has been announced tonight for the lineup in Sunday's
live final - and it's safe to say it's been divisive as I'm wearing man Tonikaku was chosen.
Britain's Got Talentのワイルドカードアクトが今夜発表され、日曜日のライブファイナルでの
ラインナップが決定した。 履いてますよ男・トニカクが選ばれ、賛否両論を巻き起こしている。

Simon Cowell said it was a 'unanimous' decision by the judges to pick Tonikaku for the wildcard.

The wildcard is always given to an act who missed out during the week of semi finals
but that the judges think deserves another shot at the final.

But some viewers felt that it wasn't fair to MB14, who only just missed out last Thursday,
following making it into the final three after the winner was announced.

Viewers were fuming when Tonikaku got announced with some calling for the judges to be axed.


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