The late Mr. Burke, from a principle of unaffected humility, which they who were the most intimately acquainted with his character best know to have been in his estimation one of the most important moral duties, never himself made any collection of the various publications with which, during a period of forty years, he adorned and enriched the literature of this country.
この文の構文が全然つかめません。 例えば、whoはtheyにかかるものとしてwhichはThe late Mr. Burkeにかかるものとしても良いのでしょうか。 でも、そうするとwereとbest know toの関係の説明がつかなかったりなど本当に構文がつかめないんです。
一応この英文の続きの部分です。 When, however, the rapid and unexampled demand for his "Reflections on the Revolution in France" had unequivocally testified his celebrity as a writer, some of his friends so far prevailed upon him, that he permitted them to put forth a regular edition of his works. Accordingly, three volumes in quarto appeared under that title in 1792, printed for the late Mr. Dodsley. That edition, therefore, has been made the foundation of the present, for which a form has been chosen better adapted to public convenience. Such errors of the press as have been discovered in it are here rectified: in other respects it is faithfully followed, except that in one instance an accident of little moment has occasioned a slight deviation from the strict chronological arrangement, and that, on the other hand, a speech of conspicuous excellence, on his declining the poll at Bristol, in 1780, is here, for the first time, inserted in its proper place.
[, from a principle of unaffected humility, which they <who were the most intimately acquainted with his character> best know to have been in his estimation one of the most important moral duties, ]
never himself made any collection of the various publications <with which (, during a period of forty years,) he adorned and enriched the literature of this country>.
解答がないので訳は自分で無理矢理作りました ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They also advised against chewing anything that would have to be spit out again, and dipping food into the salt. 「彼らはまた吐き出されたものを再び噛むことや、食べ物を塩に浸すことにたいして忠告した」
おそらく「They also advised against chewing anything. Anything would have to be spit out again」と言う風に分けられると思うのですが would have to の解釈が分かりません。「〜しなければならなかっただろう」??と言う風に訳を考えたのですが意味の分からない文になりますし・・・ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One recommendation he made to parents was to advise children who could not swallow a piece of food to turn around discreetly and throw it somewhere. 「彼は親に食べ物のひとかけらも飲み込むことができない子ども達に注意深く〜ことを薦めた」
ここではturn aroundとthrow it somewhere の訳をどのようにしたらいいか分かりません 辞書通りに「回る」と「どこかに放り投げる」と訳すわけではなさそうなので
>>377 【代用形】 (1a) He asked the former railway pointsman if they could talk, which they did, for three hours. [The Observer / Sunday 19 October 2008] (1b) That said, the Democrats would be deluding themselves if they ascribed the shock in Massachusetts to a poor campaign, or to special local factors, as they did in November when the Republicans scored victories in the governors’ races in Virginia and New Jersey. [Economist / Jan 21st 2010]
【形容詞】 (2a) She was rich, which unfortunately I was not. [英文法解説] (2b) The rulers of such a state are absolute, as the Pharaohs or the Caesars could not be. [1984]
【過去分詞】 (3a) All the red tape would at least provide plenty of work for multinational law firms, were they permitted to employ Chinese lawyers -- which they are not. [Economist / Oct 15th 2009] (3b) The criteria for joining -- a functioning democracy and market economy, the ability to apply the EU’s rules, strong independent institutions, the rule of law -- must be rigorously observed, as they have not always been for other candidates. [Economist / Jan 21st 2010]
(5)as is often the case with himや(6)as he later discoveredのようなas以外でも、 上記の(b)文ののようなasは擬似関係詞と解釈しても一概に間違いとは言えないだろう。 もし(b)文のasが擬似関係詞でないなら、(5)や(6)のasも擬似関係詞と言えなくなる。 (擬似関係詞自体をそもそも認めないのなら、それで構わないが。)
[1]She massaged her leg until it stopped ( ). (a) hurting (b) being hurt (c) to hurt (d) hurt 正解は(a)になっているんですが、hurtは他動詞なので(b)が正しいんじゃないのかと思うんですけれど (a)が正解でしょうか?
[2]( ) anything happen, please let us know immediately. (a) If (b) Should (c) May (d) Since 正解は(b)で「万一何かあったら、すぐに知らせて下さい」という訳になるようなのですが。 (a)で直説法としたら駄目でしょうか? 短文なので状況は分からないですけれど、何かが起こる確率が高かったら直説法でも成立すると思うのですが。
[3]The girl and the little dog ( ) went this way will come back soon. (a) waht (b) which (c) that (d) as 正解は(c)になっています、(a)と(b)がダメな理由は分かるんですけど(d)がダメな理由が分かりません。 関係代名詞のasとしては使えないのでしょうか?
there have been suggestions that the growth of the brains of children is not steady, but occurs suddenly, each period of rapid growth ( ) associated with a particularly important developmental or intellectual stage. ア is イ has ウbeing エhaving 解説では、occurs suddenly までは完全な文であり、空欄の前のeach period of rapid growthの前に 接続詞がないので、アとイは入らない。 空欄は分詞構文と考えてbeingが正解になっているのですが、
each period of rapid growth is associated ...ではどうしてダメなのか今いち分かりません。 the brains of children is ではisだし、こっちはisで後半はbeingな理由を分かりやすく教えて欲しいです。
>>390 まず、there have been suggestions.で第1文型で文のメインの要素は終了
thatはsuggestionsと同格で、that以下に完全文が来る that以下の文をわかりやすくばらせば the growth of the brains of children is not steady, but the growth of the brains of children occurs suddenly.
each period of rapid growth being associatd....が It being Sunday,the shops were all closed. で言うところの、It being Sunday みたいな分詞となって、前の文に掛かっているってことですか? 解釈が間違ってたらすみません。
B〜a letter from a friend saying that she is coming to see me next week. と言う文の解説では、「来週私に合いにくるとかいてある友人からの手紙」と、that she is〜がa letterにかかっているのですが、 that she is〜をa friendにかけて「来週私に合いにくると言っている友人からの手紙」と解釈しても間違いにはなりませんか?
B〜a letter from a friend saying that she is coming to see me next week. 「来週私に合いにくるとかいてある友人からの手紙」は正解だが、 saying that she is〜をa friendにかけて「来週私に合いにくると言っている友人からの手紙」とするのは間違い。 現在分詞の後置修飾で、それが動作動詞の場合は動作の進行の意味になる。 目の前で「来週会いに来るよ」と言っている最中の発言しか可能性がなく、きわめて無理がある。 手紙の方はきちんと書いてあるわけだから、常にsayしているので何ら問題はない。
>a friendの部分はよくみると、from a friend となってるよな。つまり前置詞句だ。前置詞句って主語になれますか?
この部分は意味をなしていない。「(I'm looking forward to) a letter saying 〜」の「a letter」の前にも「to」がついている。 少なくとも、この文では「a letter」は「toの目的語」。「目的語」でも「【意味上の】主語」にはなりうる。 つまり「from a friend」の「a friend」も「【意味上の】主語」にはなれる。
ついでに、「(I'm looking forward to) a letter saying that she is coming to see me next week【from a friend】」は、 【from a friend】の位置が離れすぎているので、実際は使われない気がする。【from a friend】がthat節を飛び越えてa letterを 修飾するのは苦しい気がします。
また、I'm looking forward to 〜と言っているので、まだ手紙の内容が未確定だから、 saying 〜で修飾するのも、少し違和感がある。