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【PC】モンハンワールドmodスレ part3【MHW】

4 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2018/09/24(月) 09:13:01.61 ID:4hVroLI2.net]
It's important to note that the game has a limit on the number of items in the store,
which cannot (as of yet) be bypassed, so the files are split into "pages".
The game will by default load the first page, which has the first 255 items,
but there are 3 other pages which you can load in by renaming the files (see readme.txt).

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read.cgi ver5.27 [feat.BBS2 +1.6] / e.0.2 (02/09/03) / eucaly.net products.