Similar advice to the EU and the banks is being voiced by several so-called “left” groups. Attac-France declared on November 1 that they would intensify their efforts to work on future models for the European Union. The statements of this group and others were published by the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA), the French sister party of the OKDE-Spartakos group in Greece. すみません、お願いします
87 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2011/11/13(日) 00:45:14.71 ]
初めまして。 We have just changed some mails をよろしくお願いします。
>>87 We have just (ex)changed some mails のスペルミスではないかと。修正すると 「僕達は少々メールのやり取りをしただけ」 または 「僕達は少々メールでのやりとりをしたばかり」 と解釈ができる。 原文のままだと 「僕達はメールをすこし変更しただけ」 または 「~変更したばかり」 となるが、意味が分からない文章となっている。
too-to の構文の意味はわかりませんが。 Is it too great a claim to say "適当な主張"? が文章の基礎だよね。分解すると Is it (これは?) too great (大きすぎる) claim to say (主張を言う) ちょっと直訳っぽくすると 「TEKITOU」は大きすぎる主張ではないのか? 文法的には「疑問形」だけどさ、英語的には疑問を問いかけているんじゃない。 文化的にこの形は「俺は当然な事を言っているよな?な?」みたいな表現。 なので訳文としては 「TEKITOU」は間違いではないだろう なニュアンスになるわけ。 文法と文化的に表現が咬み合わないから納得できていなんじゃないかな。
>>91 mail には鎖よろいの意味もありゲーム関係が出典とすれば (良い)鎧、よろいに換えたばかりだよ。
94 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2011/11/13(日) 11:19:31.91 ]
>>90 感謝します。 欧州金融危機についての記事のようですが、 Attac-Franceは固有名詞(そういう名の組織)です。 Similar は、どう訳するべきでしょうか?
95 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2011/11/13(日) 13:19:41.05 ]
宜しくお願いします。 The import measures applied to textile products have gradually decreased in number and impact and are now of a residual nature, in terms of both CN headings covered and countries concerned.
Have you seen the method of cutting a log in just four chops? It's pretty cool. You chop... rotate... chop, etc., and then snap the log. I haven't had luck doing it, but I'm going to practice some more.
Language has always been the mirror to society. English is no exception. In its world state, it reflects very accurately the crises and contradictions of which it is a part. つまりどういうことですか?
While cloud computing accounts for less than 2% of IT spending today, IDC estimates that by 2015 nearly 20% of the information will be "touched" by cloud computing service providers
While cloud computing accounts for less than 2% of IT spending today, IDC estimates that by 2015 nearly 20% of the information will be "touched" by cloud computing service providers ? meaning that somewhere in a byte's journey from originator to disposal it will be stored or processed in a cloud.
102 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2011/11/13(日) 19:00:57.02 ]
We will, however, reject actions that fail to meet our criteria earlier to allow you to make any updates or changes that are requested.
too great a claim 大きすぎる主張 a claim to say that ~と言うという主張 It is too great a claim to say that... ~と言うというのは大きすぎる主張だ(言い過ぎだ)。 Is it too great a claim to say that... ~というのは言い過ぎだろうか?(いや、言い過ぎではない。)
reject actions that fail to meet our criteria 規準に合わない行為を拒絶する earlier より早く 何より早くか to allow you to make any updates or changes that are requested. いかなる更新、書き換えを許可する事より先に より早く
The video "First" must be what I looked like when I was sucking my friends weenie with his friend he invited over to watch. Jason said "Wow.......Look at him.....He's in love with your dick" And then my friend asked me if I was in love with it and I said Yes. They both just stared at me as I did just like you are? doing to the fork only I did it for a long long time..
god blessing, what is good there is allways something trying to break you down ,,, just laught at them for they are only put there self down for what they do,, so dont give in to there ways or let them get? you mad , stay pure and make a differnce by doing what is right...
127 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2011/11/14(月) 16:58:01.52 ]
うまく訳せないです。 a `habits of mind’ table and a `learning log’.についての文章なのですが、 単語を訳したり、翻訳サイト使ったりしてなんとなくわかるのですが、うまく日本語にできません。 お願いします。
The former involved students regularly rating their performance of certain actions or `habits of mind’ such as planning, using resources and using feedback from others. The latter involved students keeping a record of the things they had done which justified the ratings they had given themselves on the `habits of mind’ table.
>>127 前者は、生徒が習慣的にいくつかの行為、計画、資源の活用、他者からのフィードバックの利用、 等のHabits of mindの成果に段階評価を付ける行為を含みます 後者は、生徒がHabits of mindの票に基づいて自分で自分自身に下した段階評価の、 元となる行動の具体的な記録を付ける行為を含みます
The oral presentation was considered particularly important as it provided students with an opportunity to express their feelings and opinions about the problem they researched as well as listening to other students’ presentations.
Those days are passed now, In the past they must remain, But we can still rise now, And be the nation again, That stood against him, Proud Edward's army, And sent him homeward, Tae think again.
>>138 At this time, you can submit your actions for approval but we will not approve any actions until we launch Timeline to a good percentage of our users. We will, however, reject actions that fail to meet our criteria earlier to allow you to make any updates or changes that are requested. If your actions are rejected you will receive an email asking you to correct and resubmit.
キング牧師の演説です We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote. この文のfor whichってなんですか?
「前置詞+関係代名詞+to 不定詞」という形は覚えておかなければならない 基本形だよ。 この形はhe has nothing which he can vote for→he has nothing for which he can vote という 関係代名詞を使った文を不定詞に置き換えることによってできる。 「ミシシッピ(州)の黒人が投票できない上ニューヨウク(州)の黒人が何も賛成票を投じることが できないと思うかぎり我々は満足できない」 (これによると当時ニューヨークの黒人は投票権は一応あったけど、黒人に不利なことばかり が決められていたと推測できる。一方、ミシシッピの黒人は投票権自体がなかったのかもね)
He believed Lebanon's Christian community had an important role to play in building a Lebanon distinct from its Islamic ambiance, but was free of the fanatical Christianity characteristic of many of his Maronite colleagues. 少し長いですがお願いします。
151 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2011/11/15(火) 22:37:44.51 ]
He dismantled the foundational myths which many of Lebanon's communities were attached to, and replaced them with a complex portrait of the nation as an intricate mosaic of disparate but interconnected communities, over which no one group exerted dominance. He was strongly opposed to sectarian politics, believing that it had been the ruin of his country, and was one of the first Lebanese to remove his sect (madhdhab) identification from the Lebanese census records. He pinned a copy of his new ID, which has 'I' for his madhdhab outside his apartment in Ras Beirut.
Video Game の GTA に出てくるカントリーミュージックに「Make the World go away」ってあるんですけど、 これ日本語でどう訳すんでしょう?ググッても英語のままでしかヒットしません。
Make the world go away Get it off my shoulder Say the things we used to say And make the world, make it go away
156 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2011/11/16(水) 22:39:39.88 ]
We must assume that three are reasons for this inconsistency , contradiction and lack of coherence, and that the silences can be explained.
157 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2011/11/16(水) 22:46:52.62 ]
お願いします。 To discover whether or not our hypothesis is valid, we proceed to search for evidence that may support it. If we fail to find such evidence, we drop the hypothesis and try another.
158 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2011/11/16(水) 22:53:35.44 ]
お願いします。 By the same token, a historian may be able to determine more or less how the particular event occurred。The matter becomes different, however, when one attempts to relate one event to another in a given situation, and provide explanation.
159 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2011/11/16(水) 22:59:27.18 ]
お願いします。Before beginning our investigation , therefore, it must be clear in our minds that our search may lead us to conclusions of varying degrees of probability..
160 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2011/11/16(水) 23:04:45.61 ]
However, none of these scholars has so far advanced a single item of direct or even circumstantial evidence to prove me wrong.
Should you happen not to be a Christian, or if you are a person who holds negative views about religion , you must be adivised from the very beggining that our venture is concerned only with examining the historical mystery of the Gospels and the birth of Christianity. We are not out of to expose any scandal, or to prove Christian belief else.
お願いです。 特に out ofは、どういう風に訳せますか?
163 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2011/11/16(水) 23:54:15.39 ]
ur da 1st japanese person to send me a message thank u and im black so u might find that a problem so nice meeting u peace0ut これを訳して貰えないでしょうか?
164 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2011/11/17(木) 00:04:17.74 ]
It is perhaps worth nothing here that in the epistles he himself wrote, unlike this speech attributed to him, Paul does not dwell on Davidic descent of Jesus, but merely mentions it in two instances in a somewhat offhand manner, and both times as a passing reference.