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1 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/25(月) 14:46:49.14 ID:jE6+WssO0.net]

2 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/25(月) 16:10:22.10 ID:jE6+WssO0.net]
Rich Communication Services

a communication protocal between mobile phone carriers

aiming at replacing SMS message*s

aiming to

3 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/25(月) 16:53:16.43 ID:jE6+WssO0.net]
revisting a campaign started last year

to pressure Apple into adopting the protcol.

iPager isn't real, but the problems are.

ire=anger ai r
draw someone's ire

Tim Cook said anyone frustrated by green message bubbles should buy an iPhone.

4 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/25(月) 17:06:14.93 ID:jE6+WssO0.net]
proprietary =relating to ownership
read up = study
read up on a company before appliying for a job.

5 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/25(月) 17:11:27.45 ID:jE6+WssO0.net]
RCS is an open standard. The Google version is a fallback in case your carrier doesnt support RCS.

6 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/25(月) 17:22:34.73 ID:jE6+WssO0.net]
To snicker = to laugh in a mocking way

Apple does not care, nor do they have to care....
They make money selling to their customers, not by making Android users lives easier.

7 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/25(月) 17:49:57.81 ID:jE6+WssO0.net]
provide someone with something
provide someone something

adapting RCS is presumably low on priorities.

8 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/25(月) 19:04:45.60 ID:jE6+WssO0.net]
never say die!

9 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/25(月) 19:11:42.93 ID:jE6+WssO0.net]
Portguese man o' war

hydrozoans spend part of their lives as jellyfish   テスト

10 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/25(月) 19:13:58.04 ID:jE6+WssO0.net]

生理学    テスト

11 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/25(月) 19:24:01.22 ID:jE6+WssO0.net]
to snuff out = to extinguish (a fire)

12 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/25(月) 19:30:08.63 ID:jE6+WssO0.net]
to drown out something = to be loud enough to block the sound of something else

13 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/25(月) 19:34:54.44 ID:jE6+WssO0.net]
headstrong and strong minded
the latter means tenacity in general perhaps with positive tint
headstrong can carry a negative connotation at times

14 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sdaa-X1un) mailto:sage [2023/09/25(月) 19:51:28.19 ID:rz6hSOvgd.net]
pray to the porcelain god = vomit into a toilet

15 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/25(月) 21:27:27.30 ID:jE6+WssO0.net]
Interesting. I wouldn't have guessed it without the answer.

I'd be a bit careful around those slangs though cuz some people actually have a religious figurine made of porcelain.

16 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/25(月) 23:18:22.25 ID:jE6+WssO0.net]
Cee-Lo Green - Forget You
They dumbed down the title.
"Isn't it sort of dumb to insist on a change to the lyrics?"
They were slated to perform the song as a duet.

be slated to = to be expected to do something

17 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/25(月) 23:44:47.15 ID:jE6+WssO0.net]
I still wish you the best with a Forget you ♬〜

18 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 00:18:42.52 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
He doesn't strike me as the kind of guy that ~~

He doesn't strike me as the kind of guy that would do this and that.

19 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 00:23:21.95 ID:XnRU892D0.net]

Dont call me that.

20 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 01:31:20.04 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
Anakin turned to the dark side, killed younglings and betrayed the Jedi Order for a girl, making him the galaxy's biggest simp.

Participle construction.

21 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 02:05:37.54 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
"Hey women of tinder, Im 20 years old and I have never had the attention of a real women before- figured I'll try my luck here. Never dated, cis-het white canadian male and avid gamer (PC master race).
If you're looking for a man who treat you like shit just because he's attractive, you're stupid as fck.
I offer genuine love and unwavering commintment to you, looking for real relationships, preferably a traditional conservative woman.
Won't ask for nudes, cause chivalry still exist." 
The last part is the best. 😂​

22 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 02:20:37.74 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
-I promise never to hurt you
-Please I promise you okey

23 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 12:26:56.72 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
I can be very naggin'.

24 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 12:56:27.60 ID:XnRU892D0.net]

25 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 13:02:40.32 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
-socially inept or awkward
he teases all the dorky kids

26 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 13:08:00.63 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
Is it naggy? probably naggy.
I can be very naggy.

27 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 13:13:13.29 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
Two-thirds of all the ocean in the world exist outside national borders. They are called the high seas.

28 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 13:18:23.83 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
Remember photosensitivity warning
photosensitive seizure warning
a very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, including flashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games.

29 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 13:20:34.80 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
a happy camper
someone who is happy with their situation.
If this goes wrong, I cant be a happy camper.

30 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 14:00:48.63 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
the police
He had no idea the po po had been following him.

31 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 14:44:58.90 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
"Like, how do I say..."
Sorry I got nervous.
my voice had a weird hic up.

32 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 14:50:56.58 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
some peope want a dumb ring some people want everything but ----means nothing if I---- got you
my poor memory cant handle

33 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 15:04:40.08 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
not worth a company's time to go after them, which is why so many small indies have no issue with it
Its precisely because XX is a company that they have trouble.

it's because he weighs like a dinasour that everyones having a trouble with the mastiff.

34 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 15:28:29.41 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
here it comes
a little more
a little more
here we go
we keep on waiting. we didnot the world to change♪

35 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 15:37:41.04 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
shyt I got it wrong. Embarassing.
It's "waiting on the world to change"
I should check lyrics before posting.

36 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 15:46:55.83 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
-an attempt to convince a customer to purchase something additional or more costly

37 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 16:12:54.32 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
Karaoke stream is a gem. You get to know tons of hit songs and when you understand the lyrics on the spot its very satisfying and rewarding.

38 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 18:03:32.90 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
holy moly she's stil singing. she's killing it.

39 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 18:10:44.83 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
everyones saying stop singing. shut the f up. I'll destroy u
I'm gonna sing one more MCR.

40 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 21:40:18.55 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
a word blending the sounds and combining the meanings of two others.
a late morning meal

41 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 21:47:18.05 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
a main branch of a tree

42 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 21:52:02.24 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
catch up with and pass while traveling in the same direction
her car overtook a line of vehicles.

43 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 22:01:24.81 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
catch you on the flipside
-an acknowledgement of parting
-people would understand that you are bidding them farewell.

44 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 22:34:52.12 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
rotating device used to carry objects or infomation
broadly speaking, mary go round

45 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/26(火) 23:48:51.69 ID:XnRU892D0.net]
to put off
-to find something to be gross or unpleasant
He was put off by her high pitched voice

46 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 14:42:31.19 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
ratchet up - bump up- jack up - increment

47 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 14:45:35.12 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
-the prospect for the future
the developer whose outlook has darkened this week

48 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 14:51:27.95 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
woe - great distress
A new investigation could add to the tech giant's woe.

49 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 14:55:01.39 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
The world's most indebted company
at the center of the crisis
in the country's property sector

50 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 14:58:25.65 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
afresh adverb
- in a new or different way
The company rattled the market afresh

51 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 15:04:12.36 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
Bonds are issued by goverments and corporations when they want to raise momey. By buying a bond, you are giving the issuer a loan, and they agree to pay you back the face value of the loan on a specific date, and to pay you periodic interest payments along the way, usually twice a year.

52 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 15:12:06.42 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
A stock is an investment in a company. Your investment can grow or decline based on the company's success.
A bond is an investment in a company's or government's debt. After you purchase a bond, the entity develops a plan to repay the principal of your investment with interest.

53 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 15:14:31.11 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
The company failed to pay the principal and interest on a 4 billion yuan bond due by a Sep 25 deadline.

54 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 15:17:39.46 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
The company's share opened down 3.8 per cent, but reversed losses and were up nearly 4 per cent in early trade.

55 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 15:28:22.66 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
Prime minister Jastic Trudeau said last week ~~~~, prompting an angry initial reaction from New Delhi, which denies allegation.

"One, we told the Canadians that this is not the government of India's policy"
"Two, we told the Canadians saying that look, if you have something specific, if you have something relevant, let us know - we are open to looking at it. "

56 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 15:31:59.16 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
-repeatedly ask someone to do something
-pester - harass - bother -plague - torment

57 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 15:36:13.05 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
The picture is not comlete without the context. You also have to appreciate that~~~~.

58 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 15:44:48.81 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
A man was fined $****on Wednesday for failing to wear a mask.
British national XX XX, 56, flouted the Covid regulation along with his wife after a drinking session at Marina Bay Sands.

-openly disregard (a rule, law, or convention)
-defy - refuse to obey - go against - disdain - show comtempt for - fly in the face of

59 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 15:46:45.25 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
plead guilty
pleading guilty means that you admit you did the crime.

60 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 15:56:20.94 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
a quantum of dameges
It is a sum of money awarded in a civil action by a court to indemnify a person for the particular loss, detriment or injury suffered as a result of unlawful conduct of another.

-compensate someone for harm or loss
-reimburse - repay - remunerate

61 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 15:59:10.48 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
Defence lawyers asked for a fine of not more than $MMMM.

62 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 16:01:32.82 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
He had no prior conviction and had acted out of character from a momentary lapse in judgment.

63 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 17:52:21.67 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
a Pez dispenser
a candy dispenser

64 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 17:54:38.28 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
lapse - interval - gap - pause - intermission - interlude - lull - hiatus

65 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 18:22:58.83 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
"Some more depth explanations of concepts or ideas can be added in her conversation to allow her to score higher. At this stage, to seek for a higher score/band , she needs more skills to do extensions or explore more to concrete and sustain her stand/ theme."

66 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 18:49:58.95 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
I was impressed by the way she was explaining in detail about the locations that were brought up in the conversation.
I'd definitely have a hard time to do the same. But the score she was given was surprisingly mediocre. Yes, as a conversation it was boring stuff. But that doesn't mean it is easy to pull off for a language learner, especially without gramatical errors. And she was doing it really well.

67 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 19:36:38.02 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
Japan saw the highest avarage temperature for the summer since records began in 1898.

All region have a reserve ratio of power generation capacity of 5 per cent, above the minimum threshold of 3 per cent.

68 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 19:45:47.14 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
pie in the sky
-unrealizable dream - pipe dream - false hope

69 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 19:50:34.09 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]

70 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 19:52:15.56 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
"We feel that ---whether you choose marriage or not, you're still happy."

71 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 19:53:23.50 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
Whether by choice or by otherwise, more young people are not getting married.

72 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 20:03:09.83 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
Water prices in Singapore will rise by about 18 per cent over the next two years.
Potable water currently costs $MMM for every 1000 litres, or per cubic metre.

-safe to drink, drinkable

73 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 20:06:01.76 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]
PUB said it took into account rising operating costs and heavy investment needs for water infrastructure.

74 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 20:18:52.13 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]

75 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 20:22:45.58 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]

76 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/27(水) 21:45:33.33 ID:mFeVaUGf0.net]

77 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 00:22:06.55 ID:D0aR6B560.net]
-a view or opinion that is held or expressed
I agree with your sentiments redarding the road bridge.

-suppress - repress - hold back
She could no longer withhold her sentiments.

78 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 00:29:57.51 ID:D0aR6B560.net]
Securities and Exchange Commission

The primary purpose of the SEC is to enforce the law against market manipulation.

79 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 00:38:34.40 ID:D0aR6B560.net]
-an official order or commission to do something

To achieve its mandate, the SEC enforces the statutory requirement that public companies and other regulated companies submit quarterly and annual reports, as well as other periodic reports.

-a written law passed by a legislative body

80 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 00:48:37.88 ID:D0aR6B560.net]
The SEC has collected thousands of stuff messages from more than a dozen major investment companies, escalating its probe into WallStreet's use of private messaging apps to discuss work.

The Miami-based firm would be the first to take the SEC to court over allegations of untracked communications in contrast to almost two dozen banks that have chosen to pay hefty settlements over the last couple of years.

81 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 01:01:02.72 ID:D0aR6B560.net]
Attoney General

- lawyer - legal practitioner

82 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 01:16:25.63 ID:D0aR6B560.net]
Apple seems to be making a much bigger push in ~~~
Are you worried about Apple on that front at all?

I would say look, as I said earlier, gaming is such important application when you think about entertainment
I always think about all competition but from my standpoint, it's how do we get the gaming ecosystem.
We're gonna continue to push the envelope on the highest performing pc and ~~~~~
I think we're gonna be pretty good.

83 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 01:30:48.44 ID:D0aR6B560.net]
Shopping has undergone a profound transformation driven by emerging technologies and new ways of comsumption.
It's not difficult to see why retail festivals lost much of their glow.

-experience or be subjected to (something, typically something unpleasant or arduous)
- go through - live through - encounter - undertake

84 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 01:34:03.95 ID:D0aR6B560.net]
-an elaborate and spectacular entertainment or production
-spectacular - spectacle -exhibition - performance - presentation

85 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 01:38:19.34 ID:D0aR6B560.net]
Who would have thought that discounts would be a tiresome thing? But this does seem to be the case.

-causing one to feel bored or annoyed
-boring - dull - tedious - monotonous - humdrum - wearisome - laborious

86 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 01:56:04.30 ID:D0aR6B560.net]
get a cut of something
- to receive a portion of profits from something, such as a business venture
-I better get a cut of this deal ---I came up with the original concept.

87 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 01:58:20.84 ID:D0aR6B560.net]

88 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 02:09:51.10 ID:D0aR6B560.net]
funnily enough
Funnily enough, it actually came with a tennis grip. Why? That's completely unnecessary.

89 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 0b55-NxyT) mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 09:33:24.90 ID:1Gwh+nDE0.net]
tk_tk (不要な方のN.G登録用)


90 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 539d-R3K4) mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 11:01:04.67 ID:GU+25CJS0.net]

91 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 12:56:49.56 ID:D0aR6B560.net]
turn a profit=make a profit

92 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 13:07:12.35 ID:D0aR6B560.net]
She has faced questions over her autonomy in the role as CEO and the company's ability to court advertisers who have been wary of the rapid change.

to court
-try hard to win (favourable attention)
-seek - pursue - go after - try to obtain

93 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 13:10:32.35 ID:D0aR6B560.net]
The velocity of change and the scope of ambition

-the speed of something in a given direction
-the extent of subject matter that something deals with or to which it is relevant

94 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 13:22:43.00 ID:D0aR6B560.net]
-hostile to or prejudiced against Jewish people

Musk accused the nonprofit that works to fight antisemitism of primarily causing a 60 per cent decrease in US ad revenue at X.
She also defended Musk's right to speak out on the platform.
"Freedom of speech is only successful if someone you disagree with says something you disagree with."

95 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 13:26:57.23 ID:D0aR6B560.net]
-the setting or background for a scene, event or situation

No matter the distance of the weather, she was determined to see the giant pandas before they left Washington.

96 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 13:27:44.50 ID:D0aR6B560.net]
*no matter the distance or the weather

97 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 13:32:54.55 ID:D0aR6B560.net]
-disorder or confusion, uproar
-bedlam - chaos - mayhem - madness - havoc - turmoil

"I've had 'panda-monium' ever since."

98 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 13:38:04.55 ID:D0aR6B560.net]
-an all-out crazy party

The zoo has kicked off a week long "Panda Palooza" event ahead of the departure.

99 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 13:41:42.96 ID:D0aR6B560.net]
While the departure had been expected due to contractual obligations, many can't help but see the shift as reflective of the growing strains between two countries.

100 名前:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM) mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 13:46:52.86 ID:D0aR6B560.net]
-the young of a fox, bear, lion, or other carnivorous mammal.
-baby - whelp - offspring

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