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1 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 0ba1-ctHD) mailto:sage [2023/07/04(火) 19:26:26.00 ID:N1v9B10H0.net]


29 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff89-knyK) mailto:sage [2023/07/10(月) 12:28:26.27 ID:AB4ZtVR60.net]
遅いレスで申し訳ないけど。 (´·ω·`)

〜 and this with 〜 はおっしゃる通り、「これに付け加えて 〜 」ですね。

S + V 〜 and this with A で
this は直前の S + V 〜 の内容を受ける代名詞。

この「S + V 〜 and this with A」は熟語や慣用表現として辞書には載ってないと
これは「S + V 〜 . And this with A」という風に、2文に分けて表現されることも

30 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff89-knyK) mailto:sage [2023/07/10(月) 12:30:38.44 ID:AB4ZtVR60.net]

・With an almost total lack of natural resources a new iron and steel industry
was created, also factories for ships, farm combines, cranes and machine tools,
when possible in areas like Mecklenburg, for centuries primitive, feudal
backwaters. And this with no Marshall Plan and the loss of Nazi-tainted engineers
and managers who left in droves.

・ And it also turned out that last year was the most lethal for grizzly bears of
any on record, with an estimated total of 85 bears killed (link)– and this with a
population still under federal protection.

・In the circumstance I found that the Agreement had been backdated with the
intention to defraud creditors and this with the consent and complicity of Mr
Yong and its purpose being unlawful, the Agreement is null and void and
unenforceable. …

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