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13 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ b7a1-rqKn) mailto:sage [2023/07/08(土) 15:36:03.74 ID:yW7k27040.net]

But, as yet, there is a considerable amount of feeling ready to be called forth against any attempt of the law to control individuals in things in which they have not hitherto been accustomed to be controlled by it; and this with very little discrimination as to whether the matter is, or is not, within the legitimate sphere of legal control; insomuch that the feeling, highly salutary on the whole, is perhaps quite as often misplaced as well grounded in the particular instances of its application.

→and this with...のthisは前半部分(there is...controlled by it)を指している?

And men range themselves on one or the other side in any particular case, according to this general direction of their sentiments; or according to the degree of interest which they feel in the particular thing which it is proposed that the government should do, or according to the belief they entertain that the government would, or would not, do it in the manner they prefer; but very rarely on account of any opinion to which they consistently adhere, as to what things are fit to be done by a government.

→which it is proposed that the government should doのwhichはどこに繋がっている?
the particular thingかと思ったが、これはthe govermentがすべきことではなくて、menが興味を持つ特定の分野のことだから違うのでは

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