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215 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2018/08/10(金) 07:39:19.91 ID:W/v73bh50.net]

I think that Ireland is a good place to study abroad.
This is because every English teacher speaks RP, very nice British English, and many of them are also good at teaching.
Moreover, diligence and having a fervor for education are part of the national character of Ireland.
I have often heard that Europeans strongly recommend Ireland rather than the UK as a great place to study abroad.
They said that although the UK is a good place for a vacation, Ireland is the best place to study.
However, it is true that ordinary Irish people speak heavily-accented English.
You should consider whether it is acceptable or not.


1. An island of the British Isles, lying west of Great Britain. Approximately four fifths of the area of Ireland forms the Republic of Ireland, with the remaining one fifth forming Northern Ireland.
2. The Republic of Ireland.

俺の文章では文脈上当然IrelandはThe Republis of Irelandを示す。

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