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82 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 mailto:sage [2008/10/08(水) 01:15:44 ]
As diverse cultures experience a threat to their values, norms, and
practices by globalization, there is a cultural backlash. When the cultural
response dose not simultaneously defend economic democracy and create living
economies, it takes the form of negative identities and negative cultures.

Culture and economy are inseparable. The neoliberal ideology of
development and globalization wishes culture away, yet culture dominates and
becomes the surrogate for concerns over livelihoods and economic security.
Fundamentalist religion becomes, as Marx so aptly observed, an “opiate of
the masses”.

Politicians and political parties that have fully supported the agenda of
neoliberal globalization are also increasingly invoking exclusivist religion
for gaining political power−and claiming their power comes directly from
God, not from corporation and capital. The “divine right of rule” seems to
be the epidemic of the day. A concept that died with feudalism is making a
comeback thorough representative democracy in the context of

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