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Let's talk with Jim-san in dejima.

1 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/08(Sat) 19:39:42.23 ID:qzj8vSJC0.net]
Let's talk with Jim-san in dejima.
This board is English only.

see also

Let's talk with Jim-san. Part29
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. 8

translate site

2 名前:maji [2014/03/08(Sat) 19:43:09.18 ID:IMouuW3Y0.net]
Oh, reall japanese-character not accepted (w. Really Jim will come here?

3 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/08(Sat) 19:44:23.04 ID:wLa5MeSw0.net]
Great. but I am wondering he will come here...

4 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/08(Sat) 19:47:07.29 ID:wLa5MeSw0.net]
He is in his thread at the Pink. How about sending an invitation.

5 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/08(Sat) 19:47:46.14 ID:h7u0q/Rl0.net]
Good job.

6 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/08(Sat) 19:48:08.82 ID:0oQ/N5tR0.net]
He'll never never come here.
He became a star.

7 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/08(Sat) 19:50:42.60 ID:0NT3ywayO.net]
Nihongo de OK.

8 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/08(Sat) 19:54:38.64 ID:IMouuW3Y0.net]
It said in japan "RO~MA-JI" you pupil

9 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/08(Sat) 20:09:46.98 ID:EME3UzN40.net]

10 名前:maji [2014/03/08(Sat) 23:21:58.73 ID:It4JqvHQ0.net]

11 名前:maji [2014/03/09(Sun) 00:21:47.87 ID:KPRyZ36q0.net]
What about "RONIN". This words mainly means "fail an exams" in japan.
It's not good sounds in japan, i think.

"TENKA" or "MIKADO" is sounds and looks nice.

1 year MIKADO = "Ichi-nen TEI" (TEI = MIKADO same Kanji character) or
1 month TENKA = "Hito-Tsuki TENKA" umm... It's nice

12 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/09(Sun) 01:08:01.04 ID:MntZf4HS0.net]
nice naming!!

13 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/09(Sun) 02:22:23.97 ID:TY3cblvu0.net]
come here jim

14 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/09(Sun) 09:24:20.01 ID:5MYxJFjW0.net]
C'mon!! AGNES!!

15 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/09(Sun) 23:04:08.62 ID:64xGQK350.net]


16 名前:Code Monkey ★ [2014/03/09(Sun) 23:32:48.58 ID:???0.net]
Hello everybody.

17 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/09(Sun) 23:33:50.80 ID:HMuY9eUI0.net]
Hello How are you?

18 名前:Grape Ape ★ [2014/03/09(Sun) 23:33:54.44 ID:???0.net]
Hi Guys. I just saw your thread invitation.

19 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/09(Sun) 23:34:51.56 ID:HMuY9eUI0.net]
Good evening Jim-san
Thank you for coming.

20 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/09(Sun) 23:34:52.95 ID:64xGQK350.net]

21 名前:Grape Ape ★ [2014/03/09(Sun) 23:35:21.50 ID:???0.net]
Is sounds good in English. It is an independence word when you translate it. Seems to mean
unemployed though.

22 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/09(Sun) 23:38:23.69 ID:HMuY9eUI0.net]
Ronin means
1. unemployed SAMURAI
2. prep school students who failed to pass the entrance exam of university.

Franky speaking, it has only negative meanings.

23 名前:Grape Ape ★ [2014/03/09(Sun) 23:39:55.42 ID:???0.net]
We meant it more in a pre Admiral Perry way. Wild unemployed Samurai running around
Japan like Vikings.

24 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/09(Sun) 23:43:06.75 ID:HMuY9eUI0.net]
You mean like a Ryoma SAKAMOTO who was very famous. He was a wild, a passionate and a srong fighter.

25 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/09(Sun) 23:44:21.89 ID:TY3cblvu0.net]
You are welcome.
Please make yourself at home.

26 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/09(Sun) 23:46:04.33 ID:64xGQK350.net]
Negative word? Welcome welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2ch is a cesspool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

27 名前:Grape Ape ★ [2014/03/09(Sun) 23:48:43.62 ID:???0.net]
Or Miyamoto Musashi perhaps. "Perceive that which can't be seen with the eye."

28 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/09(Sun) 23:53:10.36 ID:HMuY9eUI0.net]
I got it. C.Bronson in Death Wish.

Thank you

29 名前:Grape Ape ★ [2014/03/09(Sun) 23:54:14.34 ID:???0.net]
Yes like that. Our backs are against the wall, have to be like Charles Bronson.

30 名前:Grape Ape ★ [2014/03/09(Sun) 23:58:45.46 ID:???0.net]
You guys can ask me to talk to you anytime. I am reading this board often. It makes me laugh.
I enjoy it.

31 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/10(Mon) 00:05:07.88 ID:DBuYaZrz0.net]
Thank you, good night.

32 名前:Grape Ape ★ [2014/03/10(Mon) 00:15:54.83 ID:???0.net]
Good night

33 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/10(Mon) 13:12:49.67 ID:ioD4JLVy0.net]
Good afternoon ,everyone
How are you ? I' enjoyed the lunch, OKONOMIYAKI.

Take it easy !

34 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/10(Mon) 16:35:48.90 ID:OJ0aniC+0.net]
No prob.

Thanks man:-)

35 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/10(Mon) 17:43:56.92 ID:ioD4JLVy0.net]
Good evening
Do you plan to renovate MARU board: ikura.2ch.net/maru/
I think it is a good place for you to provide some benefits for customer
of ROUNIN because the user can only post here. And it is time you would change the name of this board.

Just now this board is used for a check of login and increase the capacity of NINPOUCYOU.
This is wasteful of a precious resource.

This board has a great potentiality to improve ROUNIN service.

36 名前:maji [2014/03/13(木) 13:21:21.33 ID:/YL3NYOw0.net]

37 名前:maji mailto:te [2014/03/14(Fri) 08:28:44.03 ID:dVuapcnN0.net]

38 名前:maji [2014/03/14(Fri) 08:36:15.36 ID:dVuapcnN0.net]
hi Im so bored right now

39 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/14(Fri) 22:45:49.32 ID:u5Mi4Orr0.net]

40 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/03/30(Sun) 01:23:47.94 ID:L0CeVvfw0.net]

41 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/04/13(Sun) 21:58:04.50 ID:uArgV5sN0.net]
What is "January Ronin?"

42 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/04/14(Mon) 00:33:37.03 ID:Ezivxzk60.net]

43 名前:Grape Ape ★ [2014/04/14(Mon) 01:02:58.57 ID:???0.net BE:771182284-2BP(666)]
Good evening guys

44 名前:maji [2014/04/14(Mon) 01:11:09.96 ID:34PdMHgR0.net]
good midnight Jim-san

45 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/04/14(Mon) 01:11:12.83 ID:eHBJmwE20.net]
good evening jim-san
hows going everything?

46 名前:Grape Ape ★ [2014/04/14(Mon) 01:14:19.84 ID:???0.net BE:771182284-2BP(666)]
I am having a nice evening. I am working on a new song, and just chatting online.

47 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/04/14(Mon) 01:18:28.08 ID:eHBJmwE20.net]
new song? what kind of?

48 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/04/14(Mon) 01:44:48.10 ID:ROrBEa5r0.net]


49 名前:Grape Ape ★ [2014/04/14(Mon) 02:26:30.78 ID:???0.net BE:771182284-2BP(666)]
Something upbeat, just a piano tune.

50 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/04/14(Mon) 02:39:56.27 ID:eHBJmwE20.net]
sounds beautiful!
i love piano line too.
you dont sleep well from last night ,dou you?
you can take a rest till the market will open.

51 名前:maji [2014/04/14(Mon) 03:03:10.02 ID:AQ8nx+fr0.net]
I love you.
Please marry me.

52 名前:Grape Ape ★ [2014/04/15(Tue) 20:58:40.95 ID:???0.net BE:771182284-2BP(666)]
I will take a rest tonight. I am feeling a little tired.

53 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/04/15(Tue) 21:35:28.66 ID:RYVpSTTj0.net]
Jim-san ,take care

54 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/04/16(Wed) 00:22:25.33 ID:+oqR57xs0.net]
jim-san, you carried out a great work for the last few days!!
good night. sleep well:)

55 名前:Grape Ape ★ [2014/04/16(Wed) 01:09:01.37 ID:???0.net BE:771182284-2BP(666)]
>>54 I had to wake up.

56 名前:Grape Ape ★ [2014/04/16(Wed) 02:06:15.84 ID:???0.net BE:771182284-2BP(666)]
Good night

57 名前:maji [2014/04/17(木) 13:20:30.52 ID:i0sWQGE20.net]

58 名前:maji [2014/04/17(木) 20:47:11.88 ID:lQLStvla0.net]
Good job
I know you can do it

59 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/04/29(Tue) 05:06:42.72 ID:7L6cwELk0.net]
Wow. He's calling himself with the san honorific suffix.
What a self-conceited douche.

60 名前:Grape Ape ★ [2014/05/11(Sun) 17:13:11.12 ID:???0.net BE:771182284-2BP(666)]
I hope to be recycled often.

61 名前:Grape Ape ★ [2014/05/11(Sun) 18:01:22.33 ID:???0.net BE:771182284-2BP(666)]
We are going to try to be more aggressive in improvements.

62 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/05/11(Sun) 21:29:02.40 ID:bsdOHrv20.net]
you wish

63 名前:maji [2014/05/12(Mon) 22:41:31.69 ID:DIvEKX5V0.net]
fix them

64 名前:Grape Ape ★ [2014/05/15(木) 10:35:26.17 ID:???0.net BE:771182284-2BP(666)]
We will do our best.

65 名前:Grape Ape ★ [2014/05/22(木) 14:32:44.55 ID:???0.net]
I am sorry about all the server problems. We are trying to improve hardware, and increase
security to benefit the users. I am sorry for the inconvenience while we make things better.

66 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/05/24(Sat) 02:01:49.50 ID:Ty1Yl3NR0.net]
I appreciate your work.
Thank you, Jim-san and all the staff.

67 名前:maji mailto:sage [2014/08/21(木) 03:44:07.80 ID:yZsW8Rns0.net]
koe-naki koe ni chikara wo

68 名前:maji [2014/09/02(Tue) 21:20:36.03 ID:wwoNKAat0.net]
Give love for the age without love

69 名前:maji mailto:sageteyon [2014/10/31(Fri) 23:59:05.75 ID:s9GKW7G80.net]
Takahiro Karasawa

70 名前:maji [2015/01/10(Sat) 23:28:59.49 ID:8R5JfOPE0.net]
What happen?
Please fix the servers as soon as possible

71 名前:maji [2015/04/06(月) 23:02:27.75 ID:q+tuzesgZ]
God will not allow you

72 名前:maji [2015/02/17(Tue) 00:41:59.83 ID:ag5JjwWy0.net]
fuck Jim

73 名前:maji mailto:sage [2015/06/03(Wed) 05:09:53.16 ID:vXFj7ZRn0.net]

74 名前:maji [2015/10/27(Tue) 20:16:02.80 ID:3omDScJI0.net]

75 名前:maji [2015/11/18(Wed) 14:28:11.31 ID:Cce1DzhJ0.net]

76 名前:maji mailto:sage [2016/11/08(Tue) 01:05:54.27 ID:PynldRhV0.net]
you really dicide to ban no-id thread in livejupiter and news4vip? noooooooooooo

77 名前:maji mailto:sage [2023/09/17(Sun) 23:06:12.43 ID:j48PR+Me0.net]

78 名前:maji mailto:sage [2023/09/25(Mon) 14:39:01.67 ID:PM9vIxJE0.net]

79 名前:maji mailto:sage [2023/09/28(木) 15:39:19.00 ID:/QUnDF6A0.net]

80 名前:maji mailto:sage [2023/10/07(Sat) 08:29:42.95 ID:hrPS7DAK0.net]

81 名前:maji mailto:sage [2023/10/09(Mon) 04:57:49.79 ID:xUalV4eh0.net]

82 名前:maji mailto:sage [2023/10/11(Wed) 22:45:18.05 ID:LsZRe0zf0.net]

83 名前:maji mailto:sage [2023/10/18(Wed) 17:01:45.45 ID:x3AXPTSb0.net]

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