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【雇用】東大AI人材、新興勢に就職 選ばれぬ大手に改革迫る

84 名前:名刺は切らしておりまして [2019/05/27(月) 00:43:20.16 ID:7EFoBMdi.net]




Since the 1960s, San Francisco and the surrounding Bay Area have enacted
strict zoning regulations.[4] Among other restrictions, San Francisco does not allow
buildings over 40 feet tall in most of the city, and has passed laws making it easier
for neighbors to block developments.[5] Partly as a result of these codes, from 2007
to 2014, the Bay Area issued building permits for only half the number of needed
houses, based on the area's population growth.[6] At the same time, there has been
rapid economic growth of the high tech industry in San Francisco and nearby Silicon
Valley. The resulting high demand for housing, combined with the lack of supply,
have caused large increases in rents and very high housing prices.


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